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Best clutch kit??

Mike Kane

New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2017 Polaris switchback pro s 800
I have a 2017 Polaris 800 pros s 137. I went to the u.p this last weekend and rode about 400 miles and my dads 03 zr 900 was giving me fits. He would pull up beside me going my 30mph and would get me by about a sled but I would catch him in the long run. I’m about 215 in weight. Just looking for the best clutch kit for this sled. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Is your sled all stock now? Is it broken in?
What did you expect? That 900 was a pretty fast sled stock. If the old man piped/clutched it you shouldn't have a chance.
ZR is a fast sled no doubt. Best bang I think is gearing it down. 1.73/1.74 But you may loose some top end. The fun factor everywhere else is worth it.
Gearing two 1.68 you will only have to buy Top Gear and chain is the same. I weigh in at about 225 to 230 depends how good my meal have been messing around with clutching things I learned off this website guys will help you out do your reading and do your own clutch kit. I have xcr 800 helix is 48-44 full progressive 140-220 team spring 10/68 Polaris weights Primary spring slp 120/310 rpm's 8250 to 8300 working Great thanks to guys on this site and all the posts. P.s. Not done yet
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Gear down 1st 1.74
Ajustable weights or Use your 66 weights and weld some weight on
look up mod weight on this site
helix 48 44 full progressive or 50 44 full progressive
We have had good luck with 140 200 or 140 220
(220 finish better back shift
200 finish better top end
Primary spring 100 305 Dalton or
120 310 polaris
All sleds a little different
^^^^^^ Exactly!! ^^^^^^^^^^^exact setup as me !! for very good in all condition! gates belts too.
If looking for kit, NSP seems to have lots of people that are happy with his kit. 1.74 gearing.
IMO welding on weights is something people did before adjustables were out. There are lots of good adjustables out there. Dalton's , Cutler's, SLP's to name a few.
If looking for kit, NSP seems to have lots of people that are happy with his kit. 1.74 gearing.
IMO welding on weights is something people did before adjustables were out. There are lots of good adjustables out there. Dalton's , Cutler's, SLP's to name a few.
Does anybody on here have his kit installed and if so how do they like it? Yet some weights no matter how much weight you put at the tip isn't enough weight. Trust me I've been there.
What weights did you have trouble with tip weight? I found that I couldn't load the heels enough in most cases with set screw style weights. I also clutch aggressively down low and mid with little focus on top end.
What weights did you have trouble with tip weight? I found that I couldn't load the heels enough in most cases with set screw style weights. I also clutch aggressively down low and mid with little focus on top end.
It all depends on which secondary you're using. I found that with a P2 you need more tip weight. If you butt the CPC TM weights up against the Dalton weights you'll find that the Dalton weights are thicker than the TM weights. For some reason you need more tip mass with a P2. I've never used a Team Tied secondary so I can't comment on how to clutch it and I've never used a TSS 04 because I find it not very efficient.
It all depends on which secondary you're using. I found that with a P2 you need more tip weight. If you butt the CPC TM weights up against the Dalton weights you'll find that the Dalton weights are thicker than the TM weights. For some reason you need more tip mass with a P2. I've never used a Team Tied secondary so I can't comment on how to clutch it and I've never used a TSS 04 because I find it not

You never used a tss04 but find it inefficient?
The p2 has only been pushed on here. That being said, so were ti wrist pins. My kids 550 shift has a p2. Maybe ill have to play with it some day.
I’ve been using a P2 since 2007. I’m good friends with a guy who used to be the driveline engineer in Roseau. He got me on to the P2 and trust me it is a way better secondary than the TSS 04.
Hay mike kana In your sled gear should be 1.61 gears are 23 top 37 bottom In xcr gear 1.68 gears are 22 top 37 bottom. To get gear 1.73 top 22 bottom 38 chain is a 68 the same on all of those. To gear 1.74 23 top 40 bottom chain is 70
It all depends on which secondary you're using. I found that with a P2 you need more tip weight. If you butt the CPC TM weights up against the Dalton weights you'll find that the Dalton weights are thicker than the TM weights. For some reason you need more tip mass with a P2. I've never used a Team Tied secondary so I can't comment on how to clutch it and I've never used a TSS 04 because I find it not very efficient.
So Ed, you are running TM's then?
BigFuse - you ever tried the Dalton Tungsten Super Slugs in the tips of the Turbo Mags (vs. welding on tip weight)? Dalton doesn't sell them anymore, but there is a guy making something similar on eBay...

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