Terms and rules

PolarisStarPower, the providers of this web site are not responsible for any user-generated content. Content submitted express the views of their author only.

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

General:PolarisStarPower cannot fix your snowmobile warranty issues. You have to take your problems to the dealers. Please use the site to gather any info you may need. We recommend that you go see your dealer about warranty problems or any problems you think are warranty issue. We will not remove your complaint if you do choose to post but please put them in the correct area, suspension, electrical or what have you. This site is an open site with some very minor rules; please respect our decisions and your fellow Polaris owners.

Polaris does not own this site. This site is not an official site of Polaris Industries Inc or any other Polaris entity. Opinions/comments expressed on this site are not that of Polaris or any other Polaris subsidiary or affiliated company.

Redundant Posts: Please try and search the forum before asking questions on specific topics such as skis to use, stud qty’s or patterns and so on. Please see FAQ Forum section prior to asking questions. This will help keep the site nice and clean. Also we expect if a question has been asked that you feel has been answered before please help the users search for that topic or send them in the right direction to find it. Remember you were new once also. Click the Search Function on the above menus.

Selling items: Please see the info posted in each section of the classifieds for clarity of how they work. Please use the classified section for all sales and wanted items. Please start prefacing your “For Sale” posts with "FS" and your “Wanted” items with “WB” or "WTB". We highly recommend this to make it easier for others to read through the posts faster. If you do not start prefacing you classified posts, they may be removed.

Allowed in classifieds. Part outs are completely welcome but keep them in one thread. You can sell numerous misc parts that have piled up over the years but you will need to make that clear when posting to help us out. Once again I can’t express enough how important it is to use some kind of protected service such as PayPal to help your transaction.

Ebay Links are permitted in the classified section by the original poster of the thread.

If you are a dealer and wish to sell on PolarisStarPower classifieds you will need to contact [email]mrsled@polarisstarpower.com[/email] unless you are a paying advertiser.

All users that use this site must have their profile location filled in or we may pull the post at our discretion.

Selling/Posting RULE: business/dealer/company If any Company tries to sell on the site, they will be warned and be removed for 1 day, if they try to sell again behind the radar after being warned they will be removed.

Off Topic: Please use Lounge for all 'Off-Topic' type posts relating to things other than Polaris Related Info. If you choose to post in other sections of the site, be prepared to have them moved or removed. So please put topics in their proper areas, again this will make it easier to navigate through the forum.

Profanity, Sexual Harassing Content, Religion or Politics of any kind will not be tolerated in the public forums and will result in suspension of your account. These topics promote to many issues that will usually escalate into some kind of unnecessary battle or complaint. This is a Polaris Snowmobile based site and those of you that feel you need to post these things can look elsewhere. See Infractions if you choose to cross this line.

Flaming/Bashing Users or Thread Hijacking: Flaming/Bashing or being disrespectful to others/dealers/vendors etc.. will not be tolerated and will result in suspension of your account. Thread Hijacking is a very common occurrence and this turns some if the very informative threads into a real mess. Please start you own post and leave those topics move in the direction that they where intended. See Infractions if you choose to cross this line.

Advertisements: If you want run ads on PolarisStarPower.com you will need to contact [email]mrsled@polarisstarpower.com[/email] to be set up

Links to other Polaris sites: Linking to other sites relating to Polaris is welcome and encouraged.

Links to non-Polaris sites: We welcome links to other types of sites as well, however we do NOT welcome links to pornographic or otherwise adult related content in the public sections. Any posting of porn related issues will result in immediate suspension of your account. Be an adult and respect others. Any site posting links with in the forum trying to gain traffic from PolarisStarPower.com without permission will be removed and account suspended.

Valid Email Address in profile: You MUST have a valid email address in your profile. This is for two reasons. 1] so it holds someone responsible for your posts; 2] so I don't get bounced emails from the server for posts that you have made.

Avatars: Please add your AV’s in good taste. All AVS that use the following will be removed [i] Profanity, Sexual Harassing Content, Religion or Politics [/i]). Lets help our young Polaris owners get focused in the right direction in life as well as have some respect for some of the young ladies, Moms, etc… that frequent the site. If you have any questions or concerns about your AV’s, please send them to the moderators and we will gladly help you make the right decision.

Signature Images: Please keep any image in your signature to 550x150 pixels MAX.

Back Seat Moderators: Members are asked to not act as "back seat moderators". If members note an issue which contravenes something in this policy document they are welcome to bring it to the attention of a member of the Moderator Team. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Members who consistently "act" as moderators may be warned"

Posting with a certain degree of respect towards other members is mandatory on PolarisStarPower Hotly debated topics are sometimes the most fun, but if you resort to name calling or bashing you can expect a temporary suspension (or in rare cases permanent suspension) of your account. We are expecting a very busy season, and it needs to be understood that the focus of this particular site is the enjoyable exchange of information. If your focus is to have your opinion be 'the opinion' then you may have a rough time of it. We all have the right to respectfully disagree with one another.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.

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