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'08 550 Fan Exhaust Manifold Broke Off - Can I weld it?


New Member
Brechin, Ontario
Years Snowmobiling
2008 Trail Touring
My 2008 550 Trail Touring sled has been really good - very reliable, no over heating despite our riding on slow trails.
Recently I've noticed exhaust gas from the exhaust manifold & some oily spots too.
Today I pulled the exhaust system - an easy job. Part of the exhaust manifold came off with it.
The manifold is cracked & completely separated about 2" in from the front end, front being front of the machine.
A new manifold is about $200; used about $150.
It looks to be forged or formed steel - not cast.
Any reason why I can't weld it up as I used to do on my early cars?
Or does anyone have a decent used exhaust?
Thanks for any help.
I'm pretty sure those are just stamped steel halves welded together, the flanges are definitely welded on. It probably broke right at the factory weld for the flange connection to the pipe.
You probably need to heat it with a torch first to burn off all the oil though so you get a cleaner weld.
Ok thanks Switchback.
I've just checked & this manifold is used on any Trail Touring from 2001 to 2010.
That's 9 years of the same engine - 550 fan.
There must be some out there with good used manifolds.
I'd rather not weld.
I got the manifold off, the 1/2 that was still bolted to the head. The other 1/2 came off with the exhaust pipes.
It is a simple steel stamping, and not very heavy steel either.
There are 3 pieces - top 1/2, bottom 1/2 & a ring that joins them together & fits around the exhaust pipe.
Mine had broken into 3 pieces!!
The bolts came out easily. Not bad for a 17 year-old machine! I started the machine & ran it for several minutes thinking the heat would loosen things up.
I finally found a good used manifold for $75. New manifold gaskets are $50 each!!!!!!! New exhaust ring is $60. I cleaned up the old ones. They look just fine!!
The only problem I had was getting the bolts back into the head. 5 of them weren't too bad but the 6th, the one on the bottom right (looking at the manifold) was a pain. It is just above the starter & using the long Allen drive, even on a wobble head, it's really hard to get it started. I finally had to call in an expert - my wife. She knows how to hold the light just so, plus her hands are smaller.
Finally, after another half dozen tries it caught. The secret is to put that bolt in first. That way you can let the manifold hang down a bit loosely & wiggle the bolt around until, it catches.
I didn't want to remove the starter!!
Snugged up the bolts, re-attached the exhaust system - ready to ride.
Thanks for your help.
Wow, that thing really rattled itself to death. Lucky you checked that before it sucked in too much air and burnt the pistons.
Parts prices have gotten out of control, really have to look at aftermarket now for simple things like those gaskets. SPI must have those available, $50 per OEM gasket is nuts.

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