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Search results

  1. k5blazer72

    Experienced help needed. Jaws or SSI pipe mod?

    No PCV, just tried it in both fuel modes, with and without the resistor.
  2. k5blazer72

    Axys Alignment Bar???

    Anybody gots one? I'm hoping to change all 4 engine mounts this weekend and I'd like to double check the alignment afterwards. There'll be some beer/booze/Timmies in it for ya! LOL
  3. k5blazer72

    Experienced help needed. Jaws or SSI pipe mod?

    I had the SSI pipe mod last year on my 2015 ProS 800 and it was good for trail riding. However, if I held it WFO for more than 5-6 seconds it would DET into limp mode every time so racing a buddy was pretty much out of the question. I tried a resistor in the pipe sensor and it didn't seem to...
  4. k5blazer72

    Axys Alignment Bar???

    Does anyone in the GTA have an alignment bar I could borrow for a day or two? I'm about an hr east of Toronto but I don't mind driving a bit to get it. Thanks, Mark
  5. k5blazer72

    Proper clutch alignment

    Well apparently I was wrong. LOL. In reading the Axys manual, I found out there is a slight adjustment that can be made to the front MAG side motor mount to change the engine alignment. Does anyone in the GTA or East area have an Axys alignment tool I could borrow for an afternoon????
  6. k5blazer72

    Proper clutch alignment

    Out of curiosity, is the Axys alignment tool just for checking secondary float or is there some sort of adjustment you can do with the engine mounts to change the angle the engine sits at and/or the C to C distance from primary to secondary? Seems to me the rubber engine mounts and the "torque...
  7. k5blazer72

    team vs p2

    It also came on the 600cc sleds in 2012. Not sure of other years.
  8. k5blazer72

    Stage 3 SLP kit??

    I was thinking the Bully Dog was a better investment (at least from Bikeman...) because it can be used to fix the fuel/timing tables for warmer temps, control the oil pump, etc... What makes you say the BD is junk? Whose programming were you running or were you writing your own?
  9. k5blazer72

    2016 Pro S Rush Service manual

    Came through no problem for me. Thanks a bunch!
  10. k5blazer72

    XC 700 motors

    Curious. Does the speedometer have km/h on top or mph on top???
  11. k5blazer72

    2016 Pro S Rush Service manual

    Ha ha, I like this bandwagon! k5blazer72@hotmail.com if its not too much trouble?
  12. k5blazer72

    Studding track

    If you're looking for a trail stud only, I've had good luck with the Extreme Max SS studs. I have them on my 800 Switchback and my wifes 600 Switchback. They were pretty cheap and have held up well for me for 3 seasons in some marginal conditions. No bends, breaks or lost carbide tips...
  13. k5blazer72

    PIDD Update

    Just wondering if the memory stick you're using still has the old downloaded files on it? Always start with a clean, empty mem stick for downloading and installing the PIDD updates.
  14. k5blazer72

    Full Shift

    What measurements do you take to calculate overdrive? What's the calculation? I'd like to see what my clutches are capable of before I send them out for balance and machine work.
  15. k5blazer72

    Bikeman performance pipe for 15' axys 800 wanted

    Where are you located? I'm selling my 2015 ProS 800, so I'm taking the SSI pipe mod off and putting my stock pipe back on. If you're looking for a pipe mod, PM me.
  16. k5blazer72

    Axys beating 850 doo's

    I'm totally unbiased here, but I am just curious as to what you think he did to your clutch that fucked it up? Does he machine the spring pocket deeper in the spider or the cover so the spring doesn't bind? Maybe he should warn people that his machining will change your clutching setup so that...
  17. k5blazer72

    Rookie Test and Tune

    You don't need a clutch tool to increase float and you should be able to change magnets in your weights without disassembling your clutch at all. Remove the belt and clamp the sheaves together if you need more room to work. Use a C clamp or bessey clamp if you're careful, or these...
  18. k5blazer72

    Rookie Test and Tune

    I'd agree that your rpms are way low for a piped 800 so ya, lighten up your adjustable weights a bit like Brock said. If you want to increase your secondary float you have to ADD a small washer (same diameter as the machined spacer...) under the bolt and/or REMOVE a washer from behind the...
  19. k5blazer72

    2017 800 assault 3/4 to full throttle

    "Within spec" on Digital Wrench doesn't mean it's good. Find another dealer to adjust it correctly or you can do it yourself if you're a mechanical type. There's a few good writeups floating around on how to do it.
  20. k5blazer72

    2017 800 assault 3/4 to full throttle

    Of course you should check your TPS setting too. The flow increase from 3/4 to full opening on a butterfly valve is not very much but if your TPS is set on the high side, the extra TPS voltage could be making it run fat (rich) at WFO in which case you might lose a few rpm...

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