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  1. k5blazer72


    It was a joke. I guess I shoulda said a little MORE overdrive!!! I guess I like the idea of gearing down to accelerate/launch harder and still not losing anything on top. Kinda like putting 4.88s or 5.13 gears in your rear diff and adding 5th gear OD to your transmission.
  2. k5blazer72


    We all drive "trail sleds" until we hit the lake beside 2 or 3 buddies. Then a little bit of OD might make you the hero that day! LOL
  3. k5blazer72

    Getting started

    By my scale, a standard 1/2" long slug weighed 1.8g. My modified "super" slug weighed in at 3.0g even. That would be the heaviest I could make them. Lighter would be easier. What do ya think?
  4. k5blazer72


    I could see how that would play into it. I can't imagine it would have much effect overall tho. MAYBE 3-5%???
  5. k5blazer72

    Skid Relocation

    This could work for you. Or if you're back in the original mounting holes, maybe you want to find a 136" track for it? Have you contacted JB Shocks yet? They seem to have a bunch of info on skid swaps...
  6. k5blazer72

    Winter yet?

    Oh to be in Manitoba right now... http://www.winnipegsun.com/2016/10/06/first-snow-day-in-25-years-after-winter-wallops-northern-manitoba
  7. k5blazer72


    I've heard this inefficient comment before when talking about overdrive but it's never been explained. What makes running a CVT system in overdrive inefficient? Inefficiency ususally comes from belt slipping or excessive "grip" (pinch...) on a belt? Are you saying this is what happens in...
  8. k5blazer72

    Getting started

    I have one made up at 7/16" long. Just waiting on a gram scale I ordered to weigh it and then I'll make up some more at different lengths.
  9. k5blazer72

    My dalton adjustables

    Looks good! What was the weight before drilling them out? Did you say these are the same profile as 10 series or more or less agressive?
  10. k5blazer72

    Getting started

    Ok great. Now that I have some goals, I'll do some experimenting and let you know how they turn out.
  11. k5blazer72

    Getting started

    I just started the process of making some of my own "super slugs" with tungsten inserts. I was planning on doing them at 3/4 and 1" lengths to get the most bang for the buck. What other lengths and weights would you like to see? Tungsten has the highest melting point of any pure metal and so...
  12. k5blazer72

    Pro-XC 144 switchback

    Yipe! :oops::oops::oops: Yep. South of Rice Lake. About 10km North of the 401. Parking for at least 5-6 trucks and trailers!Div20
  13. k5blazer72

    Pro-XC 144 switchback

    I'd be up for a little PSP Ontario get together this winter! Post up or PM if you guys are interested in riding the Ganaraska Forest, Northumberland Forest or out east around Kaladar or Cloyne. You can unload in my driveway to ride the Northumberland Forest. ;)
  14. k5blazer72

    Planning mods for my pro s 800

    Have you done this or known someone who's done this??? Sounds interesting for sure. Would this increase heat in the motor or increase exhaust flow out??? I always wondered how an aftermarket Y-pipe made more power. Does it increase flow? Does it increase/decrease backpressure to the motor or...
  15. k5blazer72

    Pro-XC 144 switchback

    It does look great! I love it when people build the stuff that's in their head!!! Keep posting updates. Totally makes sense to keep the original mounting points and geometry. It was just the original comment about custom billet side X braces that threw me off. I'm also curious why you went...
  16. k5blazer72

    Pro-XC 144 switchback

    By side braces, do you mean the ones that bolt the the X brace and hold the upper idler wheels? (I tried uploading a pic with them circled but I kept getting an error...) I feel like if you extend those you will be changing the rear geometry quite a bit as you will be lengthening the pivot...
  17. k5blazer72

    clutching machining?

    Does CV Tech balance the parts individually? Will they machine the clutches for more overdrive?
  18. k5blazer72

    ?? Summerizing your AXYS 800 with eloctronic oil pump ??

    Do you then start the engine for a few seconds to blast the fogging oil around the bottem end?
  19. k5blazer72

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    Do you mind posting a pic or drawing of the machining you did to increase overdrive? I've geared down to 1.74 and hit 118mph on the speedo but I'm sending my clutch out balancing this summer and I like the idea of getting a little more on top with OD.
  20. k5blazer72

    Testing TPS with multimeter?

    I believe the two bold statements above to be important. The TPS numbers in DW (and from the BullyDog-should be the same) are a "digital" value in the ECU and are based on the 5v reference signal that particular ECU is sending out and and the way that particular ECU does Analog to Digital...

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