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  1. Chiefcheese

    New to Polaris / Secondary clutch has movement on driveshaft

    Agree. I removed all but one or two on all mine - just make sure there's enough to prevent the secondary from contacting anything in the back. Don't do anything with those on the bolt though.
  2. Chiefcheese

    Sled hard to start, Can I set my TPS myself 2015 800 Switch

    I am sure there are a bunch of kits out there with Wiseco pistons that are just fine as well. Can you report back what your finding on teardown?
  3. Chiefcheese

    A Arm bushings.

    The ones from Indy Specialty contain 8 bushings, enough for one sled.
  4. Chiefcheese

    Sled hard to start, Can I set my TPS myself 2015 800 Switch

    Who's durability kit did you use? Whose pistons?
  5. Chiefcheese

    belts for axys

    Yes - I am running these in a '15 without issue. Some '16 and up are tight and may need indexing to allow variance in size.
  6. Chiefcheese

    Summer Modifications on your sled??

    Top end I think. Haven't decided exactly but I am down on RPM and this is the next thing.
  7. Chiefcheese

    Motor mounts

    Min 150, but I usually advise to just leave one thick washer behind on the Axys secondary, and just verify there's no chance the secondary can bottom on something behind. Don't touch the outside washer stack.
  8. Chiefcheese

    Motor mounts

    Make sure your float is good and run it. There's a little more vibration at idle but smooths out with more rpm.
  9. Chiefcheese

    After market mufflers

    Running Jaws trail also...louder it seems at idle low rpm but really tames down at higher rpm until the valves open.
  10. Chiefcheese

    2019 Polaris line up

    I just don't foresee any bang here. No PR hype prior to the launch on anything. Everyone recalls the 2015 rollout. Had us looking at frame by frame video of the early commercials looking for clues.
  11. Chiefcheese

    Speedo Accuracy???

    Doubt it's as accurate as most think. So many factors come into play depending on snow conditions. I have seen two sleds within @ 2 mph and one that's way out there.
  12. Chiefcheese

    Motor mounts

    Slight increase in vibration at low rpm/idle but other than that.... updated PTO side goes on the MAG side.
  13. Chiefcheese

    Little help here

    Yeah... I would agree..should have checked that crank as small particles could have made it down there.
  14. Chiefcheese

    Sled hard to start, Can I set my TPS myself 2015 800 Switch

    A higher RPM on a 15 wouldn't cause issue or would be indicative of some other issue?
  15. Chiefcheese

    Sled hard to start, Can I set my TPS myself 2015 800 Switch

    No I have not but I maybe thinking about it. I am down on rpm for some reason (like no more that 7850) and have that on the checklist of things to go over. I think it's all electrical but.....unfo unfortunately we are running out of winter here...
  16. Chiefcheese

    Sled hard to start, Can I set my TPS myself 2015 800 Switch

    From Snowest - Not a 15 minute job. https://www.snowest.com/forum/showthread.php?t=404826
  17. Chiefcheese

    Best clutch kit??

    ZR is a fast sled no doubt. Best bang I think is gearing it down. 1.73/1.74 But you may loose some top end. The fun factor everywhere else is worth it.
  18. Chiefcheese

    Pro x switchback, tuning update.

    Gauge is out? I don't think that setup should DET - would check your Y pipe for cracks top and bottom. If you have a 48-44 heel, you could try that and see if it get's there faster than waiting for the 50 to get there.
  19. Chiefcheese

    Engine/Clutch Alignment.

    Please verify alignment after you switch those rubber mounts.
  20. Chiefcheese

    Engine/Clutch Alignment.

    Came out last fall I believe.

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