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Search results

  1. Chiefcheese

    '98 XLT 600 Special - Bad PTO bearing

    Call http://usa.cvtech-aab.com/
  2. Chiefcheese

    Game Changer

    OMG! Nice and portable, you can pull it out of storage and not have dedicated space for it. Nice find!
  3. Chiefcheese

    T Map sensor

    Careful - they don't give those T-Map sensors away cheap.
  4. Chiefcheese

    T Map sensor

    Yeah that sensor is tucked down in a warmer area I agree. I am with Dave here can't wait to see where your thinking.
  5. Chiefcheese

    Gates belt

    I did not have to shim my 15 Rush
  6. Chiefcheese

    Gates belt

    Surprised by the tape length on the Polaris belt but really the pitch is very close. Seems your results are similar Dr.
  7. Chiefcheese

    T Map sensor

    Move to...Like into the plenum area?
  8. Chiefcheese

    Gates belt

    My results with used gates (1150 miles), a used Polaris 1177 with 1850 and a new Gates I received last week. Used Gates 45 1/16, 43 13/16 pitch. New Gates 44 7/8, 43 13/16 pitch. Used 1177 45 1/4, 43 3/4. The Polaris was the stock factory belt which was only a 16th less than the used and new...
  9. Chiefcheese

    Gates belt

    So if I heard him correctly the Gates number is the pitch length? So Heath it should be 43.87? How did you come up with the 45 and 44 7/8? Outside or pitch? I have a new one that I got in last week. Will have to compare.
  10. Chiefcheese

    Getting started

    I was considering that as well and looking into BMP's custom 50-44F/48-44F. Was like a little over 100 bucks shipped, but ended up going the Tied route instead. Hoping that I can get that working great.
  11. Chiefcheese

    Gates belts

    Those all look the same.
  12. Chiefcheese

    Gates belt

    GATES 46C4387.
  13. Chiefcheese

    Gates belt

    GATES 46C4387
  14. Chiefcheese


    Dave - From the Wisconsin Handbook: Your snowmobile must have a muffler in good working order, which blends the exhaust noise into the overall engine noise. The only exception to the sound laws are when you operate your snowmobile during a Sanctioned Race or you are a dealer/manufacturer...
  15. Chiefcheese


    For snowmobiles manufactured after July 1, 1977, and sold or offered for sale in Michigan, 78 decibels at 50 feet, as measured using the 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers standard J192. For a stationary snowmobile manufactured after July 1, 1980, and sold or offered for sale in Michigan, 88...
  16. Chiefcheese


    Dave - post back if they are coming up with one that will meet the sound req. When I last corresponded with them they would not say they would. We were in the U.P. this weekend again and the conversation had it the DNR in both states maybe in crackdown mode again. I recall last Feb. just...
  17. Chiefcheese

    Pro-XC 144 switchback

    But.....who won? O O
  18. Chiefcheese

    Phone mount on Axys

    Yeah... I had a phone in a chest pocket once and it basically froze and shattered the screen. I have heard of some folks putting them in the heated dash compartment but that would still take a beating. Would keep it warmer though.
  19. Chiefcheese

    team vs p2

    Hopefully this is not the end of the story. Sounds like you were not far off!
  20. Chiefcheese

    Pro-XC 144 switchback

    Looks fast !

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