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  1. proS800

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    Ya that's what I don't like about the bully dog. You can't adjust the tune. They say it runs better in warmer temps tho cuz it does something to the intake temp reading? Idk. Mine runs like poop in warm weather lol
  2. proS800

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    So not the 177 with the stage 3 kit like they claim? I figured I was around 170 with the 91 non oxy gas and the tune I run now. This thing just pulls away from other stages sleds on the top end.
  3. proS800

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    I always run mine in 91 non ethanol mode
  4. proS800

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    No bully dog but it's a aggressive tune on the pcv
  5. proS800

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    Ya I guess it's that. Pipe, can, head, powercomander, clutched, geared.
  6. proS800

    2016 800 AXYS BUILD

    Thats awesome! Glad you got some new friends out of this. !!! I have everything bikeman but the pistions. Pipe, head, tunner. Do u know what that setup made? Before u did the pistons
  7. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Ya I can't believe how many good guys I've met and became good friends with because of all of this. Next year we are riding together dammit lol
  8. proS800

    blown stock pipe

    They warrantied his. They will yours exp if the pipe is still all stock. That's not supposed to happen forsure.
  9. proS800

    blown stock pipe

    Same thing Just happened to my buddies 2015 pro x the other weekend. His pipe was a ssi modded stock pipe tho. But same thing. Blew the sensor right out
  10. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Like I said my studs have 3,000 miles on them. His were brand new as his was a 2016 sled. So I had to play catchup but still passed him and was still pulling away when we let off
  11. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Ya I do. And really shity studs lol. Pulls like a mofo up top tho
  12. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Brock do you guys have a tune then for the pcv for the bikeman pipe and head for me then ? Lol
  13. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    I've ran my bikeman stage vs a slp pipe, head tunner and got him on the top end by 3 maybe, ran a ssi pipe and head sled and got that one by a 1 1/2 sleds up top. Idk my clutching is spot on tho vs those other sleds.
  14. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Awesome job once again!! Just curious. How much hp do you think I'm at then because I have everything but that durability piston kit. Bikeman pipe, head, and pcv with a more aggressive tune for the head I have on. Did you guys notice if bully dog tunner made the sled run better in warmer...

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