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  1. proS800

    Oil price$

    And to finally answer the new oil questions . We did blend a new oil. Been testing ever since last dec. We finished testing and development in july. Thats when i gave upu guys the tip about the new oil. We then sent 20 gals of oil to polaris for final approval. Last i heard we are about to get...
  2. proS800

    Oil price$

    Ves at my dealer is 49$ a gallon amd ves race is $53 a gallon.
  3. proS800

    Oil price$

    I dont know anything but those guys on HCS must. Obviously a dealer wont know anything untill a part number released. Ill let you know when there is.
  4. proS800

    Oil price$

    Ves race is only a couple dollars more then regular ves oil. Its worth it.
  5. proS800

    Oil price$

    http://www.snowmobile.com/products/why-oems-make-their-own-twostroke-snowmobile-oil-1875.html Here's a link of what we do at my work and why oem oils will out perform any other genaric syn oil. No two oils are the same just like no 2 motors are the same. Some addtives work better in some where...
  6. proS800

    Oil price$

    Best oil and bang for the buck is ves race oil. Red label and cap. Its got more additives in it for even more protection under harsher conditions along with more detergents for cleaning. Like said previous we spend hundreds of hours and tons of money on engineering and developing the oil for the...
  7. proS800

    New guy here, searching for the best fitting can.

    If its a 2015 the bmp can fits. I have it on my sled along with the powderlite on my other sled. 2016 sleds had to modify the batt tray
  8. proS800

    Performance Q & A with Joey from Bikeman

    Joey i was gonna mention to neal that you guys can try that out on my 2 sleds since they are already regeared and i had my dealer change the ratio in the sled for it. You know i just put on bully dogs on both sleds with the full exhaust.
  9. proS800

    Performance Q & A with Joey from Bikeman

    Joey you said you had a tune for the y pipe? I just got my 2 bully dogs and y pipes from you and there is no y pipe tune on them. Neal said i would have to wait for snow to get an updated tune?
  10. proS800


  11. proS800


    Thats just my worn parts in the bag lol. He actually sealed then up like new lol. Im not sure cuz i havent teken it apart but just looking at it it looks like they did something in there
  12. proS800


    just got it back from indy dan
  13. proS800

    Building my axys

    Dan just did my clutch! Pick it up tmrw!
  14. proS800


    Weight shims sorry. Ya i went in for machine, balance and rebuild. 3k miles on it. Its off my switchback axys
  15. proS800


    Ya i guess it needed a new roller kit too and some weighted shims
  16. proS800


    Machine for overdrive, balance and rebuild my axys clutch........ $380 later
  17. proS800


    Ya i just talked to indy dan. $200 to service, machine, and balance clutch, $150 if clutch is new. Gonna drop it off friday sinces hes close by where i live
  18. proS800


    How much does it usually cost to get it machined and balanced?
  19. proS800

    BMP? A ? for Joey

    When modding anything efi you have to retune it to maximize hp vs the stock tune. I deal with it all summer on my turbo car pushing 24lbs of boost. Im always on the dyno. And i beg to differ on that stock sled taking a bmp pipe sled in the trails. We could always race to find out. I did it all...
  20. proS800

    BMP? A ? for Joey

    Dave no offense but have you ever modded a sled? Bolt a pipe up to any axys and they all loose midrange power. Bikeman doesnt wanna sell you a pipe without a tuner cuz then all they get is people complaing like you. You are nit picking 400 rpms of midrange. Spend the money and mod it right and...

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