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Search results

  1. racerdave

    chaincase gears

    What year chaincase are you putting them in?
  2. racerdave

    Assault running boards on a Pro S

    That is what I thought you would say. Myself, I am not really looking forward to that style on my Indy XC850, As a trail only rider, I view them as a colder ride. Guess I will find out.
  3. racerdave

    chaincase gears

    All over E Bay also. Place a WTB add in the classifieds here. What are you looking for?
  4. racerdave

    Assault running boards on a Pro S

    Nice work. Any particular reasons why you wanted those? Interested to hear.
  5. racerdave

    FS: OEM AXYS 800ho top end o rings

    Brand new, Polaris oem. Bought for my 2015 in case I needed them. Includes spark pug to head cover and head to head cover, cylinder outer and cylinders inner o- rings. Some of these are also listed for the Pro-R/Indy 800, check for yourself. Not separating. New list at Babbits is currently...
  6. racerdave

    FS: OEM AXYS 800ho top end o rings

    Brand new, Polaris oem. Bought for my 2015 in case I needed them. Includes spark pug to head cover and head to head cover, cylinder outer and cylinders inner o- rings. Some of these are also listed for the Pro-R/Indy 800, check for yourself. Not separating. New list at Babbits is currently...
  7. racerdave

    New to snowmobiling

    Oil can get lots of opinions. I use Polaris VES oil, have for 18 years.
  8. racerdave

    Need help identifying this sled

    Hood graphics are 1996
  9. racerdave

    850 HP???

    From the looks of the new Gen4 seat thats enough to get a sore arss
  10. racerdave

    The Storm 150 track - Studs

    Those stud stars are exspensive!
  11. racerdave

    Studding 2016 Indy 600 SP

    YES! No if and or but's about it. You need a different dealer or parts counter guy.
  12. racerdave

    850 HP???

    Unofficial claims have reported 174.xx at Dyno Tech
  13. racerdave

    HP for 2018 600r

    Call the Polaris race department
  14. racerdave

    Carb Tuning the Frankensled

    Truthfully I would not worry about rejetting if it has the the original/correct jets it came with for the temp you ride in.. It was more than likely too rich to begin with. Make sure your fuel is fresh, fuel pump working correctly,clean tank lines etc. Fresh plugs. Correct belt, preferably new...
  15. racerdave

    The New 850 motor

    Yesterday my Illinois dealer told me, October. I'm sceptical of that.
  16. racerdave

    Thoughts on this new clutch prodcut from Bikeman?

    For me the main reason to balance is to help the motor from vibrating. 800's shake plenty from the big holes in the cylinders.
  17. racerdave

    New Member with questions

    Many guys have been happy with North Star, a few haven't. I would still use the 48-44 with that track. Most shops that sell clutch kits/custom cuts won't tell their angles on a helix. I belive he stamps his with some number like NSP1 etc. Maybe find out what number is on it if at all and call...
  18. racerdave

    The New 850 motor

    Unless you find one someone backed out on, or a dealer cheated the system [common] there won't be a 850 on showroom floors. They were Snow Check only.
  19. racerdave

    Wedge chassis Iqr 440 build

    The 97-98 XCR440 had the liberty 440 in it. Wedge chasiss. What year and what motor was in the wedgie you have?
  20. racerdave

    Looking for a Service Manual for 02 Edge X700

    Yes it will. The Edge X was just a graphics package and some over the running boards bracing.

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