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Search results

  1. W

    Dalton QAP weight? Actual owners/user's a ?

    Doc, What kind of engine mods and approx. HP are you running with the 67g CPC TM weights?
  2. W

    CPC Adjustable Clutch Weights

    Yes. Installing team tied for next year. So the secondary will backshift much better. Looking for a primary setup that will keep up on the back shifting and be very aggressive on the upshift. Especially corner to corner. Currently primary setup is BMP weights at 74.4 grams and 120/310 spring...
  3. W

    CPC Adjustable Clutch Weights

    Ok thanks. Already geared, running engine mods,pipe, controller. Looking for a harder upshift to go along with the better back shifting team. My buddy's Axys is similar, runs the team tied. I liked it alot. Maybe it's just the high rpm horsepower vs. Mid range torque motor. Mine accelerates...
  4. W

    CPC Adjustable Clutch Weights

    Ok. Was wondering on engagement, good belt grab? Pull hard all the way thru shiftout? Heel tucked vs. 10 series? Back shifting should be excellent with the 5gram lighter weight. I am upgrading my secondary to the Tied per your excellent reviews .Was looking to get an aggressive upshifting and...
  5. W

    CPC Adjustable Clutch Weights

    I was wondering how the might work in an Axys 800 Switchback for fast trail......
  6. W

    CPC Adjustable Clutch Weights

    Anyone have any experience with these CPC weights? POLARIS ADJUSTABLE CAM ARMS IMPROVED TRAIL (IT) Improved Trail (IT) Cam Arms replicate the factory cam arm profile and shift characteristics. IT Cam Arms are de- signed to be used in mountain and high elevation applications. IT Cam Arms...
  7. W

    Testing TPS with multimeter?

    My throttle bodies were replaced because the idle voltage setting was not repeatable. Meaning, as you open and closed the throttle bodies it never read close to the same idle voltage twice. The throttle bodies had an internal bind that didn't allow them to function correctly. Since they are a...
  8. W

    Testing TPS with multimeter?

    I have a 2015 Axys 800 . Had idle/running quality issues since new. This is my personal experience. May not be the same for others. Took it back to original dealer, they replaced the TPS and adjusted to Polaris specs. Running quality Issue was not corrected. Eventually took it to a different...
  9. W

    PCV vrs BullyDog

    If you believe you have a factory warranty, then don't change things.
  10. W

    PCV vrs BullyDog

    One removes, one modifies. So, if the factory parameters are good, just modify. Of there are issues, replace.
  11. W

    PCV vrs BullyDog

    As long as you trust the base factory mapping...
  12. W

    Gates 46C4387

    Ultimax XS 801. Great belts. http://www.carlislebelts.com/product/belts/snowmobile-atv-utv-belts-powersports/T18
  13. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    And I have to tell you Brock, thanks! For all the tremendous effort, time and I an sure costs to figure out. I found this forum and followed your updates. It convinced me to not give up on this terrific chassis/suspension and . The stage 3 kit is part of that process. So, once again, thanks...
  14. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    Ok. Will do. Thanks!
  15. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    Ok. Actually have a couple different adjustable weights. The Dalton qap3's are one. I have used the Ultimax belts on several sleds. A little softer than the stock Cat belts, but better longevity. Not alot of dusting. Has seemed to help on engagement, less slip vs. Stock Polaris belt. What...
  16. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    Using a Ultimax XS-801. Set the belt clearance to 0.015" average with this belt. Wanted the taller 1.74 to gain some mph. Saw 95 mph max with the 1.86 ratio. Didn't fair well with the big Cats when we could line up and also when we hit the wide open in Ontario. It's all a compromise, trying to...
  17. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    600-1000ft elevation. Mostly ride in the UP of Michigan.
  18. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    Yes,peak@ 8400 rpm, not falling off until after 8500. I way 280lbs, aggressive trail riding. Hard upshift, but still need a quick back shift to accelerate from the corners. Like a 3800-4000rpm engagement.
  19. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    Yes , clutching does come with the kit if you chose. I prefer different adjustable weights than what came with the kit. Long term Cat rider, first time Polaris owner. Have always put my own clutch kits together, with advice from a couple of Cat clutch guru's. Nobody has any Team secondary...
  20. W

    Clutching a Stage 3 800HO

    I have a 2015 Axys 800 S/B 'X'. Adding a Bikeman Stage 3 kit, Durability Kit, heads, pipe, can, and Bully Dog GT. Also, a Bikeman Y-Pipe that will soon be available. I have changed the gearing to 1.74. Keeping the 1 3/4 track. Have been following this blog with your clutching recommendations...

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