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  1. proS800


    Do not use briggs and straten fuel stab. Thats the worst.
  2. proS800


    At my work we engineer and devopl and test 2 and 4 stroke oils and lubercantes for all the big oem brands. Cat, doo, polaris, toro, lawn boy, johnson evinrude, mercury marine, volvo marine, troy built among a ton others. Are lab is state of the art to develop these oils then run them on our 5...
  3. proS800


    Sea foam is junk. Weve done alot of testing at my work, lubercation technologies... use polaris or drag specialties. Those are the best for a fuel stab and cleaner.
  4. proS800

    Pulling engine out. ?

    Ya i dont see much info for anything on thier website
  5. proS800


    If you go to the weenie roast we will have to meet up. There should be a big group of axys sleds this year
  6. proS800


    I cant wait for the weeine roast!
  7. proS800

    More Air Flow

    I did the same thing. Layed the template over it and marked it with,a marker. Drilled holes in the,corners and used a air and small hand saw. Then used a exacto knife to make it perfect. Drilled one hole at a time when i put the rivtes in. It holds down nice and tight.
  8. proS800

    Pulling engine out. ?

    Why are you pulling the motor out?? :)
  9. proS800

    More Air Flow

    Ya they turned out nice. I like them alot. Very factory looking.
  10. proS800

    More Air Flow

  11. proS800

    Planning mods for my pro s 800

    I want a turbo on my sled. Bad.....
  12. proS800

    Planning mods for my pro s 800

    Sounds like you are gonna gain some speed!!! You should do the pro x gearing if you race that race again. Use the VES race oil or VES extreme for best results for oil. Thats what im running also. I have the 1.74 in my SB and the rush now. Got the BMP y pipes for both the sleds as well. And a...
  13. proS800

    Jaws/RKTek dyno teaser vid

    No it wont replace the normal VES as many sleds use that already. It will be a better option oil like we make with the ps-4 and ps-4 extreme duty 4 stroke oils. The public was complaining about the VES race oil name thinking it was for all out racing which it isnt. So we went back to the drawing...
  14. proS800

    Jaws/RKTek dyno teaser vid

    Personally in my sleds im sucking the old out and just putting it into a empty gallon bottle. You can mix it but i like to start fresh so alll the new additives are in there at the right spec. And no the 2017 sleds will still have the reg ves oil not the ves extreme oil.
  15. proS800

    Jaws/RKTek dyno teaser vid

    No definitely not skirt failure with that low of miles. We did have one that got all scratched up but that was with amsoil
  16. proS800

    Jaws/RKTek dyno teaser vid

    What a load of crap on the piston going out in 300 miles. And this is coming from someone who has had 20+ axys 800 motors on the dyno. I felt alot of gain midrange when i put my head on. Felt like it gained alot of torque coming out of a corner.
  17. proS800

    PCV and Oil Injection

    Whats the oil ratio during break in peroid?
  18. proS800

    PCV and Oil Injection

    Ya i dont have access to a digital wrench i could use. And i definitely and not going back to my dealer after they just fucked up my sled when it was just there
  19. proS800

    PCV and Oil Injection

    How do you reset your oil hours?
  20. proS800

    17 Polaris changes they didn't mention

    Dam thats alot more stuff then i thought. Already getting the solid wheels and bully dog so that changes the tune on it as well. And doing my shocks. So i guess ill almost have a 2017 lol

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