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  1. racerdave

    New Member with questions

    I ran a 15 SWB8. You weight is the same as mine was. What I posted is what worked for me. Last year I added SLP pipe and can, and a P2. Ran even better.
  2. racerdave

    New Member with questions

    Gearing choice is good. Use the 68 weights with a 120-310 primary 48-44 full progressive helix and a 120-200 first or 140-220 spring. I have used 3 delrins with no issues. One on each side of the spring and one under the cup..
  3. racerdave

    Thoughts on this new clutch prodcut from Bikeman?

    Can't play vid.
  4. racerdave

    Hay Days 2018

    If you see it before December 1st you will be lucky
  5. racerdave

    Hay Days 2018

    I've never been to Haydays, and if it is like all the rest of the later fall shows I am guessing it is getter smaller?
  6. racerdave

    Primary and Secondary Clutch Issues

    Did you recheck it for the slipped snap ring?
  7. racerdave

    Primary and Secondary Clutch Issues

  8. racerdave

    Primary and Secondary Clutch Issues

    Your secondary is a P2 correct? Possible that # 4 has slipped out of the snap ring slot because #5 needs a larger inner diameter to let the snap ring seat better. this was a problem on the P2 clutch. There is a thread here on the board about what I did to prevent the ring from popping out
  9. racerdave

    Primary and Secondary Clutch Issues

    It sounds like your secondary has a broken spring. But? The chaincase won't be a cause of the non working reverse. You said you have to push "it" forward to disengage? What is it? The clutch, or the sled? You said you took the secondary apart? Did you remove the helix, then the spyder and...
  10. racerdave

    Flywheel nut torque spec

    90 foot pounds
  11. racerdave

    FS:AXYS 600/800 OEM shop manual

    Bought new when i bought my 2015 AXYS. Excellent shape, no rips no tears, no grease. $60 shipped, OBO, to lower 48 states, paypal ok if buyer pays fee's or pays as freinds/family.gift.
  12. racerdave

    belts for axys

    As I said in my PM that number you posted is the Gates belt I was very happy with.
  13. racerdave

    team vs p2

    I never ran that 66/44-42 helix, so can't comment on it. Look at my Indy 600 P2 thread on how to modify the P2 helix backer shim. This ensures the helix snap ring will fully seat. It may pop off otherwise in use. Note that I said may. There were reports of the snap ring popping off years ago...
  14. racerdave

    team vs p2

    ProS, first if you are interested I have a new complete set of Dalton adjustables QAP-3 to sell (PM me if interested ) that I did not use last season and now I am buying a 850 so they are not heavy enough. If not using those weights, get a set of Polaris 10-68 weights and a black 120-310...
  15. racerdave

    Polaris P2 secondary on a Indy 600?

    The best answer I have is sort of a question. On his first ride last year my son asked me, "What did you do to the 600, it is stronger?" With that being said along with the P2 setup, I also added a BMP pipe mod, drilled the air box shelf, and added VF3R reeds.
  16. racerdave

    Rear Shock Spring removal.

    Ha! I actually spent 34 years as a squad car tech. Those hd zip ties worked well for lots of projects. Been retired now for 5+ years and I only have about 4 of them left!
  17. racerdave

    Rear Shock Spring removal.

    Can you squeeze the spring by hand to see if the adjuster is loose then? If so you should be able to turn the collar off with out any issue. If not try some HD zip ties. 2 180 from each other to compress spring enough. Good zip ties with a metal tooth that bites, not all plastic. The type cops use.
  18. racerdave

    Rear Shock Spring removal.

    After you remove the shock itself just turn the collar to release tension, take off the retainer spin off the collar and remove the spring
  19. racerdave

    Rear Shock Spring removal.

    This is how I do it. Support the sled under the running boards with the track several inchs off the floor/ground. Put a floor jack under the track or I have a winch in my ceiling I attach to the rear bumper. {From my Apex heavy sled days!} Take the seat off. Take the gas tank neck nut off and...
  20. racerdave

    2019 Line Up!! Thoughts?

    I would say the way the market is for used sleds anything you get over 3 grand I would take it. This time of year, $2500. Face it, the sled is 10 years old now.

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