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  1. racerdave

    Hood Piece needed (PLEASE HELP)

    That was a aftermarket add on. They were never very popular.
  2. racerdave

    Decision on Gear Ratio - Track Swap

    The actual gears, chains, and the ratio itself in the chart is correct for the XCR, but the drivers and track pitch may change the equation.
  3. racerdave

    Who’s getting one?

    Lenn, if a 136/137 would have also been offered would you have gone that route over the 129?
  4. racerdave

    Electric/Manual start

  5. racerdave

    Electric/Manual start

    FWIW Doo's that have e start standard, don't have a recoil unless you pay extra to have it installed.
  6. racerdave

    2019 Line Up!! Thoughts?

    Eddie, I think the 129 track regardless of lug height isn't enough. I am sure you read the debate "over there". Less lugs to stud on a 129 vs a 121
  7. racerdave

    Who’s getting one?

    The storm track will be better to 80 -100mph. the other 2 will get more topend. The storm track will cause more windage which is less mph. Studding the storm will add more weight than the other 2, which will also help it ballon more. To me the Cobra is the best all around choice, and is what I...
  8. racerdave

    Who’s getting one?

    It will accelerate harder and have more topend. Depends on what you want. Handling and ride comfort is subjective.
  9. racerdave

    Who’s getting one?

    I want one, but........................
  10. racerdave

    2019 Line Up!! Thoughts?

    I want this one
  11. racerdave

    1982 txl 340 indy clutch

    If you are not a member, I would join and ask this question over here: http://vintagesleds.com/bs/index.php
  12. racerdave

    Pro R Chaincase chain slack chart?

    No, I was looking for the gears/chain combos that shows the chain slack/bend.
  13. racerdave

    Motor mounts

    I haven't ordered yet, the 18's are the ones to order, 4 = PTO SIDE FOR 2018 PART #3023290, correct? And these are the ones I read are on backorder?
  14. racerdave

    AXYS exhaust system

    High tower you replied to a post that is almost 3 years old. Brock is gone. If you have remaining warranty get everything you can.
  15. racerdave

    After market mufflers

    Eddie, glad you're backDiv20
  16. racerdave

    After market mufflers

    I think your stock primary is a gold, 100-275? Actually Poo spring is 120-310. it used to be blue/white. Now many Poo springs are black with the rates written on them. I did say many, not all.
  17. racerdave

    After market mufflers

    If you are going from stock 66's to 68's defiantly Doo it!
  18. racerdave

    After market mufflers

    8,250 to 8,300 falls off quickly above that. FWIW and IMO Any aftermarket muffler with the oem pipe does little to nothing except some weight loss and more noise. Most loose hp.
  19. racerdave

    600\660 issue

    I would say that 660 needs 10% more fuel throughout. Based on old 660 carb needs. Just a quess.
  20. racerdave

    2017 switchbach 800 lights flickering

    Hearing that issue before it has been capacitors or relays, or both.

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