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Search results

  1. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    That's how it goes, who ever gets the good take off wins. That's why it's hard to say which ones faster. And it be a true statement. 800 e tec's are fast, I hate to say it, but they go! I think with some good mods and great clutch set up you should be fine! Remember there is always someone...
  2. PolarisTim

    Can I go to any dealer for warranty work?

    Well when you buy another Axys, buy it from one that has one, and that won't mess around with you! Cause having a good dealer is HUGE!!
  3. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    Well I'm 250 dressed, and when mine was stock, we went back and forth from me winning one then he would win one. It was who got the jump out of the hole. But one thing. When I got the lead he never caught up, and I have a Pro X with a 1.75 track. When he got the jump I would gain on him. So I...
  4. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    I noticed mine at the dealer. And took a picture there and sent it to SLP. Within 2 minutes of me sending the picture to them he called me back and apologized and sent it to the dealer next day delivery. So yes SLP are great to work with and do a lot of testing. I have used them for years! Great...
  5. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    Ya I have over 1500 miles with it. I was also thinking about the head and bully dog as well. But for 1000 dollars and maybe 3-5 HP didn't think it was worth it. But the stage 2 bumped me up 6 sleds. So a huge gain! Plus it sounds great! Almost sounds stock until WOT.
  6. PolarisTim

    service manual mistakes

    There is also, to me anyway a problem with how they give the pre load max and min. They don't show the collar on there so it's kind of mis leading as to wear you measure from. I know it's a small difference, but I still think they should of been a little more specific. But lol....not a big deal!!
  7. PolarisTim

    pipe heat on dyno

    Nice chart!!
  8. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    I ordered the SLP stage 2 kit, and it fit real tight, right up against my bumper. Well went riding and the bung had came apart and had a hole in it. So SLP sent me a brand new one and it cleared the bumper by around a 1/4 inch or more. So no rub now. So probably new batch.
  9. PolarisTim

    Welcome to Polaris Star Power!!!

    Welcome!! This is going to be a great place for poo owners!!
  10. PolarisTim

    Pipe mod

    Ya I think they dyno out to add around the same horse...around 5-8 HP I'm sure.
  11. PolarisTim

    Just got this vid today

    Great vid!! I love watching them jump the Pro X. Cause that was me in the video jumping...lol...
  12. PolarisTim

    PSP Bugs and Problems

    Ya so far so good!! This will be an awesome site with tons of info!! Tom great job!!
  13. PolarisTim

    Axys decals

    I would like a Pro X sticker that I can put on my 2015 anniversary.
  14. PolarisTim

    axys mod's

    Right on, Thank you! Then maybe I'll just get a tied clutch and be done with it.
  15. PolarisTim

    axys mod's

    Now I will have to compare the tied vs. the P2
  16. PolarisTim

    my findings w/ dw and dyno

    Very true Brock and I'll do my best as well!! This will be a great site!!
  17. PolarisTim

    60th anny seat ??? (2015 AXYS chassis) Trade???

    Right on Thanks, I'll show my wife and get ahold of you either way...
  18. PolarisTim

    axys mod's

    Right on, thanks. I think I'm going to get one and see. But if the P2 is that good, do t know what to do??
  19. PolarisTim

    axys mod's

    What's the difference between the P2 and the tied clutch?

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