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Search results

  1. PolarisTim

    New 800 Polaris for 2016

    I'm 250 dressed and I think my Pro X SB is perfect. Soft when I want and stiff when I need it to be, so yes totally personal preference! Even my wife at 120 pounds doesn't think my X is stiff, but she isn't riding hard either.
  2. PolarisTim

    New 800 engine

    I only have 2040 miles, and I changed my belt only cause of a 300 rpm loss. Now it's clutched so no rpm loss and still using my original belt again. So I broke my spare in. Otherwise no problems. Love my Pro X SB it's awesome! And I have won most races, only lost to two Viper Turbo's. One bad...
  3. PolarisTim

    axys mod's

    That's for the Pro S right?
  4. PolarisTim

    My take on AXYS down HP/fade

    Mine seems to be clean! So I should be good to go! After I seen all that sludge I had them check everything to make sure things were tight and that wasn't the problem according to them. It's clean now and they must of took it off to put my pipe on, so I'm sure they did it properly. It doesn't...
  5. PolarisTim

    team vs p2

    Ok, I will try that!
  6. PolarisTim

    AXYS cvt system & gearing

    Right on, thanks!!
  7. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    You seem to know your stuff! And I think my clutching is pretty close to spot on, but I would like some input on gearing and some other stuff. Now I don't know if you have the time to explain it to me, but I would love to learn a little. I have watched tons of you tube videos and understand, I...
  8. PolarisTim

    Real World 2015 Snowmobile Reviews

    Your not taking over the thread! It's important to ride safe for you and other riders! If you have seen my videos I always ride on my side and am in control of my sled, in case someone isn't! This is a very big thing in our sport to respect other riders!! And always a great thing to bring up...
  9. PolarisTim

    gates vs polaris belt

    2 grams where, the tip or what?
  10. PolarisTim

    New 800 Polaris for 2016

    No problem buddy!! Now your on a sled that will improve your riding skills!...lol...
  11. PolarisTim

    Real World 2015 Snowmobile Reviews

    Very true! Like I have said, I don't really care to much about lake racing. I just want it to go corner to corner and good in the powder! Lake racing not to interested. But I would like it to do at least 105 GPS.
  12. PolarisTim

    Service bulletin

    Oh ok, right on...wonder if I'm good?? I'll check it out! Thanks!
  13. PolarisTim

    AXYS exhaust system

    Same here, I have zero oil now, but I seen it right away and brought it in. But since they said it was normal I figured it was fine, and luckily it was, cause now mine is clean as could be!
  14. PolarisTim

    AXYS cvt system & gearing

    Man Brock, I sure need your help! I would love to understand everything you just said there! If I had that knowledge my sled would rock!! Your awesome and your info really helps, but I just need someone to help me get it close. Then I can do the rest!
  15. PolarisTim

    Real World 2015 Snowmobile Reviews

    That's why I never bother taking for granted these magazines are correct. Every time it's different. I could take my sled and win one race to a 800 e tec and lose the next. Conditions are so inconsistent that why bother chasing them! Or even listening to them. I have compared so many different...
  16. PolarisTim

    New 800 Polaris for 2016

    I'm 250 dressed and I have a Pro X SB and I have seen 107 MPh on the speedo, since I did the SLP stage 2 I haven't had the chance to get a long pull to see if I improved top speed, but it seems to pull harder and feels a lot snappier. Can't wait to get the clutching perfect!
  17. PolarisTim

    Service bulletin

    Is this something Polaris is suppose to do? Because they checked my vin number and said the only stuff to be done was the idler and pit man arm and the air box. Nothing about a re flash??
  18. PolarisTim

    team vs p2

    I need to find out what the best gearing and clutch weights to use for the best reliable performance. Right now I'm running SLP weights and springs. It seems to be great, but I just feel I'm losing something. I should bring it to Bikeman performance and have them test it, and get me the best...
  19. PolarisTim

    gates vs polaris belt

    I did break my Poo belt in pretty good, maybe 50 miles, and after around 1000 miles I was loosing RPM, so I changed to a new polaris belt and broke it in like the other one and I got back to 8250. Then I changed my clutching and haven't noticed if I'm losing RPMs yet or not. Not enough time left...
  20. PolarisTim

    My take on AXYS down HP/fade

    After I put on a few miles I noticed the bottom of my belly pan was some thick black sludge. I brought it to the dealer and the said it was normal. For the amount of oil they used during break in period would cause that. It has now cleaned up and it's not there anymore. The sludge went away. Now...

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