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Search results

  1. flick of the switch

    Gates belt

    So even though it's the proper cross reference # the length's vary?
  2. flick of the switch

    Sled tie downs

    Dave do you have a pic of that set up?
  3. flick of the switch

    Sled tie downs

    Thanks Dave, it's actually a utility traylor, it has 15 inch wheels. I bought it for $200 from my best friend. I think I'm ahead of the game for that lol. So why do the sled traylor S have the little wheels anyway? Will I be ok with this traylor in the snow?
  4. flick of the switch

    Sled tie downs

    It's a single sled traylor what are you guys using for tie downs?
  5. flick of the switch

    Sled tie downs

    I see what it is now thanks! But is it hard to load with no guides for your skis? Looks like it may be a little slippery. I just don't wanna smash the side of traylor or the nose lol.
  6. flick of the switch

    Gates belt

    Thanks I see that now, they are all the same.
  7. flick of the switch

    Gates belt

    But which belt I see 3 on gates website. I posted a pic of them
  8. flick of the switch

    Sled tie downs

    What does puck board look like?
  9. flick of the switch

    Gates belts

    so gates lists 3 different belts. Which one is it? Totally confused
  10. flick of the switch

    Sled tie downs

    my traylor has a couple eye bolts in the floor now. It is a 10x5 sled fits perfect. It has a drop down door. What are you guys putting down for easy on offs? I seen some tracks at Walmart on line for like $100. So can I ratchet tie down sled or should I invest in the tie downs that go on the...
  11. flick of the switch

    Gates belt

    so I hear that this gates belt is a better belt and obviously much cheaper than oem. So my question is, is it really better, and will it work on my 16 switch? Part #46c4387. I can get it at local O Reilly auto parts for $95 vs $200 oem, thoughts and facts ?
  12. flick of the switch

    Hood decals

    Yeah Dave I've been there and looked through all 30 pages. Do you know if Poo makes any for my hood that would match?
  13. flick of the switch

    Hood decals

    any websites for some hood decals that would match my blue?
  14. flick of the switch

    Phone mount on Axys

    is it possible to mount safely and securely a cell phone on the dash? I was hoping to use it for the Riderx app from Polaris.
  15. flick of the switch

    First time in the forum

    Thanks Dave
  16. flick of the switch

    First time in the forum

    So how do I start a new thread topic??
  17. flick of the switch

    First time in the forum

    Thanks, I wouldn't have it any other way.
  18. flick of the switch

    First time in the forum

    Yeah that's nice no doubt
  19. flick of the switch

    First time in the forum

    whats the premium bag look like?

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