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Search results

  1. L

    Doo Stat mod

    i did this mod over the summer to my 2012 pro r with the front heat exchanger. Man does it make a difference. Was out with the boy on his 340 showing him a few things and my sled was consistently at 109-111F while putting along at 25mph. Did some long high speed pulls in the farmer's field...
  2. L

    WTB Cargo rack and 2up seat 2013 Switchback

    these are hard to find now. The rack is hit and miss and the two up seat that came as an accessory i've only seen twice in the local classifieds and it was PRICEY still for a used part. good luck, they are out there
  3. L

    Shim your skis!

    i used some old sliders on mine. i may look at the bergstroms. Didn't seem to make a difference for me last year, but maybe i didn't have enough shim.

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