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2015 Switchback 800 Pro S - Chaincase Leaking


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2015 Polaris Switchback 800 Pro S
I just thought before I dive into this one, I'd check to see if there are any known issues as this is a new-to-me sled. I'm hoping it's a seal issue and not a crack of some kind. I get an oil stain about 4" in diameter after a ride and then it quits leaking, so when the machine is static, there's no continual leak. There are no oil stains inside the tunnel.

I guess I'll start by pulling the battery out and doing a visual inspection. Everything is dry up top. I figured if it was a drive shaft seal, it would be wet in the tunnel right? The oil level in the chain case is down a bit, but nothing extreme.

Your input would be appreciated.
Turns out the PO must have removed the chain case cover and the gasket had popped half way off, so the upper half of the case wasn't sealed. Geez, what else am I going to find...

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