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2016 Pro S 800 gates belt or no?


se mn
I am having a bit of trouble trying to decide if the gates belt will fit my 2016. I heard they have shimmed up the clutch tighter in 16 compared to 15. Anyone have a chance to run the gates yet? Any good tips for measuring the belt to sheave clearance? My feeler gauges are short and its hard to get the belt pushed all the way to one side hold it there and get my fat arms in to measure....
I'm wondering the same thing. I gave it a quick try last night to measure the clearance but there isn't much room to get in there. I may just pop the clutch off to check it out.

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I'm running the Gates C belt, but I had the primary shimmed and balanced accordingly to this belt. If I didn't have intentions on shimming and balancing the primary, I would simply run the OEM belt.

Not sure how much my primary was off, but I was told it needed adjustment for the Gates belt on my '16.
not being a smart ass, but get some longer feeler gauges. they are cheap. been using these since the mid 70's.
feelers (2).JPG
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