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Battery / Electrical Help (Rush 600 Pro S)


Plymouth, Mi
Years Snowmobiling
2021 Indy VR1 850
2016 Rush Pro S 600
2016 Rush Pro S - Last weekend sled produced a low voltage indicator on the display screen. Rode 3 days no issue. Still have original battery so figured I may be due for a replacement.

Today, went to start sled and dead using the key. Pull started the sled and notice that the headlight and IDD display do not power up.

Any thoughts/suggestions for trouble shooting? I will get a new battery since this one is from 2016 but I would have expected the headlight and IDD display to be working when using the pull cord to start the sled. Sled runs fine on pull cord.

Recommendations on a good replacement battery?
Problem solved, had the main harness disconnected and never plug it back together. (Feeling dumb now...lol)

Still would like a suggestion on replacement battery.
Polaris switched to AGM batteries a few years ago so any decent AGM replacement is good.
I've had good luck with the DEKA powersports replacements myself.

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