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Buying 2016 switchback 800 pro s sno checked ?


New Member
Windham nh
Years Snowmobiling
2016 Polaris switchback pro s
I am buying a leftover sno checked sled problem is dealer is saying they provide the 1 year power train warranty there is no factory warranty?? He mentioned they have had sled 14 months ! Why wouldn't there be a factory warranty ? I thought the 2016 switchback came with 2 year ? And I left a $1000 deposit he wants to make it non refundable kinda pissed me off to say that
Sno Checked sleds supposedley had to be ordered in a customers name. Many dealers ordered them in someones name to have them for sale themselves. That may have some bearing on what the dealer is telling you, or he may be pulling one on you. Not sure either way. Ii it a demo sled or actually a used sled?
Sno Checked sleds supposedley had to be ordered in a customers name. Many dealers ordered them in someones name to have them for sale themselves. That may have some bearing on what the dealer is telling you, or he may be pulling one on you. Not sure either way. Ii it a demo sled or actually a used sled?
Ahhh I think I get it dealers can't get snow checked sleds owner must have bought it and when he did it started the warranty ... what's your thoughts on $10,000 out the door
Great price but witout a full warranty on all the electronics,electrical sytems, shocks etc, that is still taking a big chance.
Great price but witout a full warranty on all the electronics,electrical sytems, shocks etc, that is still taking a big chance.
It does include 1 year on the power train threw the dealer kinda worries me some on electronics can I extend warranty with Polaris
Electronics Are high dollar. Ask if they would give you a 30 day 500 miles warranty for the complete sled. Offer to eat labor if they balk at that.
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If it's a left over or demo never purchased sled will come with 1000$ off and 2 year warranty but if it was purchased may only b one left while still on factory warranty you can always buy extended from Polaris it's worth it !
Sounds like it was a demo or something and was registered as sold when that happens the warranty is activated and at this point warranty has ran out. Now there trying to sell it as a new sled
No miles on machine and he has 2 of them snowchecked
From what little you have told us, it sounds like this dealer may not be the most honest around? I would be walking away without at least a full bumper to bumper 1 year warranty.
Chris Dion
Roadside Motorsports
736 Industrial Avenue
Williston, VT 05495


That's the place I am buying from its the orange / black pros 800
They give the one year powertrain with it I talked with a buddy he explained that dealers can't get snowchecked sleds so the way around it is owner buys it in his name not through dealership but , that means warranty starts when they purchase it my only concern now is I thought that the 2016 sleds had a 2 year factory warranty so that would mean there is still 10 months left on factory since sled is 14 months old
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Chris Dion
Roadside Motorsports
736 Industrial Avenue
Williston, VT 05495


That's the place I am buying from its the orange / black pros 800
They give the one year powertrain with it I talked with a buddy he explained that dealers can't get snowchecked sleds so the way around it is owner buys it in his name not through dealership but , that means warranty starts when they purchase it my only concern now is I thought that the 2016 sleds had a 2 year factory warranty so that would mean there is still 10 months left on factory since sled is 14 months old

Current promotions are offering 2yr warranty, but I would say at the "purchase time" it was only issued a 1yr.

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