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Just bought an X to govern my S--setup differences?


Grand rapids, MI
I just got an X and wondered about basic gearing/clutching/set up info differences between this and the S.

The X was revving about 8300 in (at 350 miles) warmish (37 degrees) soft trails (saw 96 MPH--creeping--a bit more maybe) and is of course geared differently (I do run a 1.74 ratio and 1.5" Ripsaw 2 on my S--with SLP clutch kit but with Indy Dan magnet weights and recommend primary spring--working well).

Is the 1.86 gearing the best for the X? And now we are all looking at Team Tied secondary.... Any hot setups dialed in?

BTW--Don't be afraid of X suspension being too stiff. I'm 160 and worked it in and seems pretty good at near-softest settings.

And what about Team Tied secondaries on either sled?

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If you have an X switch. 1.75x137 then in my testing the stock gears are pretty good.(at least with stock or only a lil bump in hp) we've geared them up in 3 or 4 different set ups and i saw 0 positive results. I feel it needs the low gearing turning all that track. If I remember correctly I'm geared only slightly higher than stock right now and I'm gonna go back to stock as soon as I get a chance. Sorry I didn't write down any ratios or gears. It wasn't super scientific just took two of same sleds and kept throwing in different gear set combinations and single gears. Both sleds suffered performance loss by gearing up.
Thanks doc! It was a long road for sure got about 500 on it since we got it back together. She's ripping now ! Hope it stays this way. But so far so good. Did about 180 miles the other night and it was right on the trigger the whole time.
OK--So i hade the usual clutch "kit" talked about here assembled with the 120-310 springs 50/44 helix; Dalton adjustable (72 grams? I weight 160 X and such. This was to be for my S. Now I'm thinking I'll put it all on my X--and leave the SLP clutch kit on the S.

Will this same set-up work about as well--unless or until I get a Team Tied and the associated helix (Assuming feedback continues as superior)? X has the 1.75" track and stock gearing and was running 8300 RPM on warm day (36-degrees) /soft groomed trail at 320+ miles.

Oh--I'll be adding the Bikeman pipe/SSi canAnd Dynotech map loaded PCV too.


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