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need help 2013 800 pro r

assault 800

need help so here is my story put aftermarket pipe an powercommander 5 on my 800 pro r an have lost 200 rpm's from 4000/8200 rpm's so it seem's to me im losing power. using all the same clutching with stock pipe an with aftermarket pipe an commander 11/66 weight's gold spring sec. 719 helix black spring 155/222 could use ur help Brock an DR. thx great site
DR. it's a Aaen pipe with the stock polaris muffler can an Jim's map for 2013 pro r an like i said it's using the same clutching in both setup 11/66 weights gold spring sec.719 helix 70/46/42 black spring 155/222 i would think id gain rpm's instead of losing rpm's if it's making more power with the aftermarket stuff. fuel setting's r in the 10's from 6750 rpm's to 7250 rpm's
Couple things, does it pull better eve thoe ur down on rpm? You could pull pipe and put stock pipe on and try that, then pull PCV and put it back to stock exhaust and see what the rpms do. If it does feel better with the pipe(Aaen) you may just be upshifting faster from having some more power which is loading the motor faster and pulling the rpm down some.
ok thx DR. i will line it up with my 800 axys both way's an see what happen's just been to damn cold to get out an try it. but i do feel it's faster stock with my clutching thx
Norm is the man with the maps, if you want to make some power and pick up air flow , put the new vforce3r reeds in and call jim for a map on just that Then throw that pipe in the trash. Who says it makes more power, was it tested?
damn did i piss u of DR. for 1 Aaen say's it make's more power that's the pipe builder. an im sure u know that an Jim say's the pipe make's more power on a 2011 pro it's on his wedsite i know there's a differnt in 2011 to a 2013 just trying to get more out of it. im not no expert here
No not at all I'm sorry if I came off sounding like a jerk. 10% is a lot of fuel for a single pipe is all. If that's what it needs then give it to it. How did you make out with norm?
DR. it's the map that Jim sent me cause i dont know shit about powercommander's . i guess i dont know who ur talking about is Norm Homer8228 an thx for the help
the note on the map you sent me was for pipe and reeds. it looks pretty heavy for pipe only. I dynode 13 stock, 13 w/ reeds and 14 with reeds and rev2 with aaen pipe.

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