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Pro S LE 800 over rev


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
Switchback Pro S LE 800 2017
Hi, guys

Am i the only one who has 800 over spin at 8450 rpm and pulls like little chick!
This sled is a Switchbak Pro S LE 2017 800 barely new, 1500 clics, stock from a to z, i can say i'm a strong groom trail rider of 250 solid pounds.
I ride since 27 years performance trail sled of different brand but i relay have the feeling this sled don't pull so hard or don't pull as it should be and top speed 102 mph.

i checked with my dealer and the clutch weight that are actually used are 66 grams, and they told me i can try to put the one of the RMK 68 grams with different clutch spring.

Is anyone has better cue on this?

By the way, i don't want to make major mods, i wnat to keep it close to stock, i'm doing trail riding not lake racer.
Revving 8450-8509 will lose HP yes.

Load motor with more weight . Put in 10-68 series and maybe a spring change . Get it to 8300 rpm stock .
Revving 8450-8509 will lose HP yes.

Load motor with more weight . Put in 10-68 series and maybe a spring change . Get it to 8300 rpm stock .
Thanks, am i wrong or the max. hp rpm is 8150-8250?
8300 is good on a stock motor stock pipe
8300 is good on a stock motor stock pipe
What is the major difference between serie 10 and 11 clutch weight?
Do you think Dalton QAP 66-73 grams + 120-300 spring should be good and ajust it to the perfect desired rpm? Should i have to upgrade sec. clutch spring?
I'm 250 and very agressive rider.
The 11 series load heavier in the Bottom and Mid range. Much better pull. But less top end. Good for hard hitting corner to corner but they get lazy after roughly 90mph.
The Dalton QAP3s are an excellent choice for weights, you can adjust very quickly at trail side without removing the weights. I am running a 120/320 Spring now in my Assault and loaded to 69.7g and its pulling 8300-8350 with Stock secondary.
You can change the Secondary clutching with a more agressive Helix and Spring-Theres lots to be gained doing a comlete clutching tuneup.
Thanks ! As everyone i would like to have best of both world, botom and top. I find actualy, corner to corner it is good, but mid to top...So, from what you said serie 10 will be my choice with Dalton for their easy acces for ajust. For the sec. cam and spring do you hav suggest for my driving profile?
I havent tuned a Pro-S as of yet but the hot setup guys seem to be using for your sled is a 50/42 Fully Progressive Helix and a 140/200 or 140/220 Spring.
Great, thanks for your input, always appreciate!
Arter 800 miles runing under hardpack trail conditions, loose snow and deep snow, Dalton QAP3 weight kit do an outstanding job. Rpm sit on the snap at 8200 and pull way much better than stock. No springs change. Thanks Dalton.
67.9 grams (66 grams weight+1.9 gram allen fully screw to the top)
I'm going to go with a basic 10-68 swap for my LE as I'm not a tinkerer. Should do the trick as it'll touch a 8500 and sit 8400
Thanks ! As everyone i would like to have best of both world, botom and top. I find actualy, corner to corner it is good, but mid to top...So, from what you said serie 10 will be my choice with Dalton for their easy acces for ajust. For the sec. cam and spring do you hav suggest for my driving profile?
Team 48-44 on one cut and 46-42 on the other, I say this based on ur weight and riding style. Stock secondary spring, or 140-200 because of ur weight, just to SLow the up shift a touch so you don't suck the belt.

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