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Slp Pipe vs. Clutching


New Member
Twin lakes wi
Got a new 2016 800 Pro S shorty. Looking for the best aggressive trail set-up. I primarily ride in the northwoods and U.P. So long grades and lake performance needed also. I weigh 175lbs. Have already installed 126 studs down the middle using single-double backer pattern. I will be gearing down to 1.74. Would like to try some clutching with this setup in mind. 10-70 weights, 120-310 spring 50/44 full helix and 70 to 90lb spring. Now I have seen the stage 2 SLP kit. What would be the better bang for my buck? Just the gearing and clutching or the gearing and slp pipe with the slp supplied weights and spring? Great site and good knowledge on here. thanks!
If u can wait just before Xmas. We're taking a stock axys to dtr and testing 4 to 6 pipes out.
Does the clutching setup seem ok? What changes would need to be done if I got v the pipe after the clutching? Would it be unwise to get the stage 2 if I changed the gearing? Or would just the pipe suffice after the gear change?
The clutch set up that you mentioned is fine. And it will be fine after the pipe mod too. Pipe mod is 4-6 hp so there won't be much of a change to the clutches IMO. Tha SLP clutch kit that comes with the stage 2 is only weights and primary spring, no helix. A properly set up 800 HO with clutch set up, both primary and secondary With stock pipe will out perform the stage 2 . Given all other variables are the same( gears and traction).
What's everyone's thoughts on the secondary spring I'm planning on using? Haven't found one with the low of a rate. Am I off on that spring? What would I expect with using the stock one?

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