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Track Drone


Active Member
Years Snowmobiling
Pro S 800
Is it typical for this sled to have track drone in the 40-60mph range?

I've been trying to ignore it. But my princess like sensibilities are winning. The noise drives me nutty.

My alignment and tension are within spec. I studded the sled as soon as I got it so I don't know if its the studs, or just the way it is with this sled/track. I have 126 polaris recomended woodys studs up the middle.

Does this sled just do that? Or is there a setup detail I'm missing? Switching sleds with other people last week, the drone in my track was by far the worst.

On a side note. The axys was a hit with everyone who rode it. Everyone had nice newer cats, yamaha and ski doo. The axys was the most fun and fastest.
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It will make some noise yes.

Are studs running under drivers??

Check to make sure back of stud is flush with track but not over tight to bulge track .

My IQ roller chain tensioner whines , I just ignore it,lol
I'll check those things and just get used to it. I've had it worse on other sleds.
My Rush has no studs and also has some drone or howl to it. I don't like it either but I love the sled

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