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800 long block needed, Hot Rodded 2015 Switchback

Bob Hellmer

New Member
Central Wisconsin
Years Snowmobiling
1999 xc700 1999 xc500 1998 xc600 1973 TX Starfire
I have a friend in need of an 800 long block. His was set up with a Bikeman head and pipe, Bully dog, and longevity kit installed around 5000, the current condition occurred at 8800. Riding the U.P. of Michigan. Sled seemed to suffer some detonation, knock warning, the day before for a stretch. The same fuel as several other similar sleds, U.P. pump premium (icky, icky, icky....). The mag side piston top is cleaned off (the other piston is black) but nothing burned. He ran hard the day before, if you know South Boundary road, well they ran South Boundary faster than.....well lets say he doesn't BS, I've ridden with him, lets say near 3 figures. This thing was a monster and he ate that up. He was an hour into the next day, rolling easy, squeezing and rolling off, on the edge of town the snow was lean so he blipped it when ever he got to snow to keep the exchangers happy, maybe going 40 and out of nowhere a very, very sudden silence.
There is nothing to fix, we pulled it this morning and this is what we found. IMGA0842.jpg IMGA0844.jpg
He's been riding for years, 10s of thousands of miles, enough previous problems but nothing of this magnitude. He needs a long block, can anyone suggest a place where he could get a long block. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED............ Anybody interested in hot rod Polaris 800 parts, let me know. Nobody asked but why don't I own such a sled, I would hot rod it too, these connecting rods, you know the ones that are probably the same cross section as the ones in a 400 Fugi, what the hell is anyone expecting with them trying to hold those big ass paint cans (for starts).

Send fastsleddr a PM. He has lots of axys parts. Not sure about a long block tho. Or give him a call. Krahn Performance in Beaver Dam WI. Ask for Jim

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