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Staff member
Athens, WI
Years Snowmobiling
Yamaha Nytro
Yamaha Viper
I just came over from Yamaha and just fogged my first 2 stroke for storage since 2008 and I came up with a trick I thought I'd share

To make it easier to shoot fogging oil in the intake/air box I drilled a small 5/16" hole in the air box near the injection oil reservoir. I used a push dart to plug the hole when I was done. Works great! See pics.


Thanks for sharing Div20

Don't forget to fill gas tank full so no condensation, spray suspension parts with WD/40, loosen track, take belt off and lift off concrete
Truthfully I don't think you are doing much there. To really fog you need to spray straight into the throttle bodies. You are just spraying into the air stream hoping for the best. I start with a fully warmed up engine. Pull the spark plugs and put small diameter tubing down through the spark plug hole and snake it into the transfer ports on each side of the cylinder, with the piston at bdc. Then I spray the fogging oil into that hose. 10 seconds per side, 20 per cylinder. Start the engine and let it run for 10 seconds. Good till pre winter start up. I have been doing that since 2010 cfi's. Many will claim they invented this way, so I give credit to no one.
Truthfully I don't think you are doing much there. To really fog you need to spray straight into the throttle bodies. You are just spraying into the air stream hoping for the best. I start with a fully warmed up engine. Pull the spark plugs and put small diameter tubing down through the spark plug hole and snake it into the transfer ports on each side of the cylinder, with the piston at bdc. Then I spray the fogging oil into that hose. 10 seconds per side, 20 per cylinder. Start the engine and let it run for 10 seconds. Good till pre winter start up. I have been doing that since 2010 cfi's. Many will claim they invented this way, so I give credit to no one.
Good idea. I do almost the same thing but raise the front of the sled so that oil doesn't run out of the exhaust. Fire it up til it starts smoking. Shut it off and see ya next winter. I just may try this method after next season. Thanks Dave. Div20
As long as he had it warmed up on stand and sprayed it in air box until it stalls then it still does its job
I just fogged. I did it through the spark plug holes and into the transfer ports with a piece of tygon tubing. It didn't take too long.
How can you tell that you are in the transfer ports?
How can you tell that you are in the transfer ports?
The ports on the side of cylinder. There is a small booster port on side near exhaust side.
Don't spray it on the port on intake side as injectors are there
Knowing generally where the ports are is the first step. Then with piston @ bottom dead center, stick the hose down in that General direction till you can feel it go in the hole. You'll know your in the hole because, a man just knows.

You could also do it the airbox way. But some people have mentioned being worried about the throttle bodies getting sticky. I don't know.

I think the airbox way is fine and I'll probably do it that way next year.
I'll remember this post every time I fog from now on;)!

See the two large ports on the side?
Stick a straw or something through there.
Don't use port on intake as the injectors are there and you'll spray them

Which one? Blue, green, or red? Not sure how you have any idea what hole the tube will be in sticking it into through the spark plug hole. which port is on the intake?
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the blue

Red is small boost port

Green is exhaust
I'm sure that sticking a hose down the cylinder is the pro way of doing it and if you can manage it, go for it. The method I started the post with was very easy. I sprayed till it choked off, then I removed the spark plugs and sprayed some down the cylinders and turned the motor over by hand by turning the primary clutch. Easy, Peasy.

The important thing is that you should fog for storage.
I just drain all but 2 gallons out of my sled with non ethanol 91 octane. Pour with my ratio mixing container in 25:1 oil, couple oz of k-100 and run it til warm, run it up a little and shut it down. Plenty of oil. I do keep them in the garage and start them once or twice a summer. Fill them in the fall and toss the plugs.

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