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Pat Morrow

New Member
Years Snowmobiling
Polaris Axys
First of all, I really appreciate this forum and dont want to see it shut down. I would love to share my testing and tuning information but dont feel comfortable doing so. There are so many variations to consider in set ups, use common sense, make the sled do what you want it to for your situation. Set ups given on here are just a guildeline. If something doesnt seem right it isnt. Dont go by one persons experience. I bought a clutch kit way back from a guy and had this in my sled before anyone even talked about this on this site and now everyone is claiming that it is there set up, so the guy who created the set up doesnt always get the recognition that he deserves. Dont believe everything that you read on here, however, there are a lot of very helpful posters. I wish more than just a few people would post and not always the same people and that is what this forum is for is to help people.
First of all, I really appreciate this forum and dont want to see it shut down. I would love to share my testing and tuning information but dont feel comfortable doing so. There are so many variations to consider in set ups, use common sense, make the sled do what you want it to for your situation. Set ups given on here are just a guildeline. If something doesnt seem right it isnt. Dont go by one persons experience. I bought a clutch kit way back from a guy and had this in my sled before anyone even talked about this on this site and now everyone is claiming that it is there set up, so the guy who created the set up doesnt always get the recognition that he deserves. Dont believe everything that you read on here, however, there are a lot of very helpful posters. I wish more than just a few people would post and not always the same people and that is what this forum is for is to help people.

I agree. We need to take a new direction on this site and help those more and keep opinions to ourselves. Its going to take a big turn and maybe a few more people kicked off to make it what it should be. So please dont be afraid to post a questions.. there is no bad questions.
I agree. We need to take a new direction on this site and help those more and keep opinions to ourselves. Its going to take a big turn and maybe a few more people kicked off to make it what it should be. So please dont be afraid to post a questions.. there is no bad questions.

I look forward to this. If I need to leave so be it.
We have made some changes and hope its a step in the right direction but we are always in need of good people that will help other Polaris owners find the needed info they are looking for with a non-bias attitude and zero drama.
First of all, I really appreciate this forum and dont want to see it shut down. I would love to share my testing and tuning information but dont feel comfortable doing so. There are so many variations to consider in set ups, use common sense, make the sled do what you want it to for your situation. Set ups given on here are just a guildeline. If something doesnt seem right it isnt. Dont go by one persons experience. I bought a clutch kit way back from a guy and had this in my sled before anyone even talked about this on this site and now everyone is claiming that it is there set up, so the guy who created the set up doesnt always get the recognition that he deserves. Dont believe everything that you read on here, however, there are a lot of very helpful posters. I wish more than just a few people would post and not always the same people and that is what this forum is for is to help people.

Did you buy your kit from NSP?

If that’s who your talking about and your interested enough to do your research a lot of this stuff was on HCS/Snowest/PSP before he was selling kits. I don’t say this to demean anybody. Most of this is archived and still on those sites.

Ask the guy about his R&D facility? His dyno? His track dyno? Test facilities? Testing equipment?

I have my own timing systems, I have digital wrench, I have engine software, I run my own PCV maps. This is not my first rodeo. I’m not in the sled business, I’m just an avid enthusiast.

I must ask why would anybody post their test results and setups when somebody will copy them?

First of all, I really appreciate this forum and dont want to see it shut down. I would love to share my testing and tuning information but dont feel comfortable doing so. There are so many variations to consider in set ups, use common sense, make the sled do what you want it to for your situation. Set ups given on here are just a guildeline. If something doesnt seem right it isnt. Dont go by one persons experience. I bought a clutch kit way back from a guy and had this in my sled before anyone even talked about this on this site and now everyone is claiming that it is there set up, so the guy who created the set up doesnt always get the recognition that he deserves. Dont believe everything that you read on here, however, there are a lot of very helpful posters. I wish more than just a few people would post and not always the same people and that is what this forum is for is to help people.
AFM, "I must ask why would anybody post their test results and setups when somebody will copy them?"

Maybe just to help someone? It's not always about racing and hiding your secrets.
Dave I agree completely!

The problem I see is when somebody copies or obviously has taken inspiration from something and calls it their own.
" Clutching can make you a hero today and a zero tommorow " The guru will always improve a set up to there liking. The purchased kit is good buy for the average guy. Money buys speed and some just have more than others. Seat of the pants feel is the fun factor. You be the judge of what you want.
Dave I agree completely!

The problem I see is when somebody copies or obviously has taken inspiration from something and calls it their own.
I agree. I also think it is BS when you make a statement of what does or doesn't work for you and you get jumped or given chit for it because that poster doesn't agree.
I agree. I also think it is BS when you make a statement of what does or doesn't work for you and you get jumped or given chit for it because that poster doesn't agree.

Clutching is not an exact science, many many different ways to achieve the same result. It also person preference on how the sled feels to a person as well and that will also differ.

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