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Sick Oval Track Racing..

2021 Polaris Switchback Assault 144 - SnowTrax

2021 SNOWTRAX Real World Sled of The Year Award...

Oval Track Pro5 500

SnowTrax Television : Here's a bit more about the new Polaris 2-stroke turbo...

850 Patriot engines arriving in Roseau, Minnesota from our engine plant in Osceola, Wisconsin.

Breaking news: Polaris just unveiled its 2022 600R snocross sled!!

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From SnowGoerMagazine, read more here: and https://snowgoer.com/news/2022-polaris-600r-snocross-xc-sleds-650-mod-motor-unveiled/29657/


How deep with you go with RXR?

This is the BIGGEST, BADDEST AND STRONGEST Outlaw drag stud on the market!!

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From SnowStuds:

"We are extremely excited and proud of our latest product offering!! This is the BIGGEST, BADDEST AND STRONGEST Outlaw drag stud on the market. This stud is made out of a super strong alloy, it is a full 2” in height, it has a sharp penetrating shovel point and a true 5/8” wide flat for ultimate hook up!!
These will be sold as a package with a lightweight threaded 1.20” head stud blank and your choice of backer.

Stay Tuned For Pricing!!!
We are taking pre-orders for these studs starting on 7/22/2021!!
As always if you have any questions please reach out to us 888-234-9822!! "

studs 3.jpg
studs 2.jpg

The site has been updated, please post if you have any questions or problems!!

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We have updated the site to the latest version. There are quite a few new functions so it will take a little time to get use to it. Please post if you see or have any issues here.

2024 voyager 550 155 bumper and hitch

Wondering if anyone has a lead on a stronger rear bumper and hitch? My bumper broke pulling an empty toboggan after just 100 kms? Not very impressive. Wondering if others are having the same problem? Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

Please Help New

Polaris Indy RMK600 1998? Fuel Mixture Bypass?
I am new to snowmobiling. It is possible, like my jet skis, to bypass the oil mixture system and just premix my fuel? What is the fuel ratio of fuel?
Please advise.

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I would like to add a USB to my 2019 Indy 600XC. The part number we purchased which was confirmed to fit my sled via the VIN number is #2412818. It's suppose to be able to connect to an existing connector on the sled. We tore the machine apart. We did not find any connectors that would fit this USB. Only available connectors in the 3 bags we found were small. This part has a connector 2" wide.
my tm 38 slides are above top of carburetor is that ok ?
Looking for 1996 Polaris xcr 600 electric start kit. Any suggestions are welcome.
I'm looking for help with my 2017 rmkpro 800,dash is goin out intermittently, there is a service port for the dash it is o ly getting 4.5 volts seems like it should b 12 colts or more all other wires r up around 14 volts
I have a 2019 850 Pro S. I put new plugs in it and I made the rookie mistake and didn’t get one of them snugged up. I made it 2 miles before it started bogging really bad, I noticed the plug was soaked in fuel. I put 2 more brand new plugs in just to be safe and it still isn’t running right. I can’t figure out what’s wrong and why it’s bogging. The sled won’t idle either. I’m not sure if it’s dumping fuel or starving
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