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Recent content by Mike-DRH

  1. Mike-DRH

    Experience on S4 XC 137

    I don't own one myself but have rode with a few people that own them. The Ski-Doo will always get better mileage and be quieter in 4 strokes. I ride with many Ski-Doo owners and the 2 strokes always use less fuel also. All of the people I ride with are happy with the overall performance and...
  2. Mike-DRH

    Indy 500 Crankcase Full of Gas

    At the bottom of the crankcase on the front side of motor. Usually 10 MM head on the bolt directly inline with exhaust ports above. They all have a sealing washer on the bolt that sometimes will stick to the case, don't loose it. If you are filling the case with fuel you probably have a needle &...
  3. Mike-DRH

    Antifreeze leaking out of weep hole in bottom of case.

    Do you have the right tool for installing the outer seal? If you have coolant leaking from the weep hole it's always the outer seal behind the impeller.
  4. Mike-DRH

    Compression numbers

    You should use the compression numbers for comparative readings and not so much the number itself for reasons already mentioned. I have a 2019 800 Rush with over 17,000 miles on it and still runs great. I don't care what the compression numbers are, they won't tell you much. The only engine...
  5. Mike-DRH

    FUEL UPDATE (3/12/2024) for Polaris Snowmobiles engines

    I called a dealer and was told that all the 2025 models have the update done before they leave the factory, turns out the fix that's done before they leave the factory is only the sticker on the tank. Any body get their 4 free bottles of anti-static fuel treatment?
  6. Mike-DRH

    FUEL UPDATE (3/12/2024) for Polaris Snowmobiles engines

    From what I hear Polaris already has a solution, buy a 2025 model machine. Are the 2025's not affected by all of this? If they aren't then we should all get the same stuff they put in the 2025's and be done with it.
  7. Mike-DRH

    Yes, again.....Polaris Recalls Some Model Year 2021-2024 MATRYX and 2015-2023 AXYS Snowmobiles

    So now we have a recall for the recall. Makes perfect sense to me, hahaha. I don't know about other states but in Wisconsin and Minnesota the highest octane is 91 and is "without" ethanol.
  8. Mike-DRH

    94’ indy trail 440 dying

    The head has 6 bolts (studs with nuts & washers) mounting it to the cylinder. The cylinder has 4 bolts (again, studs with nuts & washers) mounting it to the crankcase. The compression numbers are worthless unless they don't match, obviously yours don't match. If you are trying to remove the...
  9. Mike-DRH

    VES Full Synthetic oil Substitute

    Polaris, or any other manufacturer, cannot void a warranty based on what oil you use as long as it has the required ratings.
  10. Mike-DRH

    VES Full Synthetic oil Substitute

    Use what Polaris recommends. Usually API or JASO. If it has the right rating it's the right oil for your machine. Things you want to consider when buying oil (providing you meet the ratings). Petroleum based oils have a limited pour point when it gets cold. Semi-Synthetic oils have no standard...
  11. Mike-DRH

    Oil consumption

    Have the needle & seat pressure tested. Check choke adjustment. If the cylinder that is wet is the cylinder the impulse line for the fuel pump hooks up to check the fuel pump diaphragm for holes.
  12. Mike-DRH

    2001 Indy 340 - need carb removal process

    Should have replaced pilot jet (#35), main jet (#150) and needle & seat (viton tip). It's important to sync carbs when installed.
  13. Mike-DRH

    2001 Indy 340 - need carb removal process

    Most of the time we cut the bolts to start with, pretty rare they come apart easy. Youtube the carb recon also, it's a pretty easy process. Don't waste money on carb kits, most often cleaning, needle & seat and a couple jets is all you need. I'm pretty sure we have done those carbs without...
  14. Mike-DRH

    2001 Indy 340 - need carb removal process

    Most people remove the seat and fuel tank and slide the airbox rearward off the carbs. Usually have some rusty bolts holding the seat and tank on so you will need to cut them and replace with new when you assemble it.
  15. Mike-DRH

    Oil consumption

    Unburned fuel will wash and mix with carbon in the porting and pipe. When that happens it turns into, and appears to be, a oily mess. You should check and make sure that's not happening.

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