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  • I have a question, I am riding a 2016 Pro S 800 sb- 1.81 gear ratio, going to put SLP weights in Primary 69.2g- with 160-340 spring, secondary stock. I weigh 280 dressed out. BBG can- studded down the middle. 1.35 track
    Is this a good combo?
    Hey I am a little confused at how to use this website, I want to write a post about a problem I am having with my Polaris 700 1998. Could you help me?
    anyone else pumped up about the new 2019 lineup and that sweet patriot engine??? I just snochecked a pro S 850...black and orange...its a ways away...but I cant wait til I get that phone call saying my new sled is ready for pickup...
    I ordered the 850 assault last Friday! Red and black with red rails and spindles elec start GPS. Coming off a nytro xtx
    Hey Brock,
    there a bunch of talk on HCS about titanium wrist pins you are selling, something about them soft and causing engine damage.
    any idea whats that about?
    Hey Brock, Ive been doing a fair amount of research for my stock 16 prox switchback many seem to come across a lot of different set ups. I was reading a post dated March 8 16 about the bikeman stage kits. You mentioned a set up that was much cheaper. Do you still run the same set up or have you modified it? I run the 1.3 cobra, I'm 170 without gear. Any input would be great. Thanks
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    And I apologize in advance, I'm sure you get tons of these messages.
    Hey Brock, I was reading an older post from Nov 27 2016 on your kit with cast pistons, Shim, 12:1 head with by pass with trial ported cylinder, machined valves and a Jaws pipe with a tune that you were making 20-22 hp with. I was wondering what head you used and also what shim/piston kit you used? Also is this kit still available and if it is what does it cost? Thanks for your help
    Hey still looking for info on titanium wrist pins if you have any or have to get them made or can point me in direction of who is making them need 22x63mm
    Hey Brock, what do you charge to machine and balance a primary ?
    2017 assault. 800 miles on it, so it should be in good shape.
    Shipping to Canada might be expensive, but you seem to be the guy to do it correctly.
    Hi Brock,

    cI see you are a moderator here,
    i have a question how can i change my profil name ?
    Hi Brock, 2016 Switchback Pro-S 800, 2300 miles. No Studs, SLP Pipe & Can. SLP Clutch kit 160/340 drive spring, 71G MTX weights with 2 gram rivet in middle hole and 1 gram rivet in top hole, 140/220 spring in driven clutch with stock helix. I weigh 260 without gear. Does this combo sound OK? It runs like a bear from start to 90 mph. Very impressed with power. Wondering if I could do anything to get a little more.
    Bassett Star
    Riding style is average to aggressive for a 60 year old guy. Just wanting to get the most efficiency and performance out of it. Thanks
    Jared pro x
    Just curious what rpm you were running with that setup? I just bought a pro x and put that same set up in. Only turning 8150-8250. Tried putting stock weights and spring in and it dropped to 7800!! Didn’t think that made any sense. No idea what it was running stock. Never ran it before I modded it.
    PM me guys
    Have a 2000 Polaris 600cx having problems with the headlights. They will go on and off then sometimes get really bright then blow and suggestions.
    hello, I saw your thread about tps problems, my sled doesnt pull full rpms at 100% throttle only hit about 8000-8050rpm but when i back of throttle to about 90% she will rise to 8200-8300,

    my tps is new adjusted

    BASE: 0,700
    IDLE: 0,940
    WOT: 4,37v

    do you think my wot voltage is to high and the sled went rich? do you know the values for wot voltages on a pro rmk axys 800 2016?

    how do i adjust wot voltage?
    Hey Brock this is my first time trying to use a forum I have no idea how to use it. I need some advice on my 1992 Indy 500 classic and don't know how to get the word out. Any help would be great. Thanks
    Hi and welcome

    Go to general forum and post a new thread

    That would be a starter as many smart guys are on here to help
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    Reactions: chad
    hey Brock . i know this should be in the vintage forum but i didnt get a respone. i have my fathers 1980 tx 440 & IM HOPING YOU COULD tell me what rps this sled runs best at? i will be drag racing on ice for 800 ft, thank you .+
    Hey Brock,just curious if that was your dyno sheet you have in the media section? If so, was that in non ethanol mode? Great site btw, just joined today ,Thanks!
    Yep, non e mode
    Welcome my friend :-)
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