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Search results

  1. MrSled

    Polaris Recall on 2022!!

  2. MrSled

    83 Indy

    Usually says on the head. Do you have a VIN number or serial number? Best way maybe to use those and call a dealer to have them run the VIN.
  3. MrSled

    Studding a Shockwave 121 X 0.91

    Thats just how the designed it but those would be perfect for Igrips.
  4. MrSled

    Sick Ride!!

    Thoughts on this?
  5. MrSled

    Speedometer Quit Working

    Bearing could have went out and snap speed key
  6. MrSled

    Speedometer Quit Working

    Follow the speedo cable from The guage to the drive below secondary and take it apart. Lol
  7. MrSled

    Speedometer Quit Working

    It’s either your gear drive for the speedo is dirty and binds or your cable to the speedo is dirty and binding. Sounds like you keep shearing the key.
  8. MrSled

    Sick Oval Track Racing..

  9. MrSled

    2021 SNOWTRAX Real World Sled of The Year Award...

    I would think that would be most uncomfortable...
  10. MrSled

    Service manual for 2006 Edge series?

    Nice work. Wish we had that here to share.
  11. MrSled

    Oval Track Pro5 500

  12. MrSled

    Anyone make it out to Hay Days?

    I was out of town and could not attend this year and was wondering if any of you had anything cool to share from there?
  13. MrSled

    Where in hells half acre is the post to a thread button??

    I would guess you figured it out..LOL
  14. MrSled

    Breaking news: Polaris just unveiled its 2022 600R snocross sled!!

    From SnowGoerMagazine, read more here: and https://snowgoer.com/news/2022-polaris-600r-snocross-xc-sleds-650-mod-motor-unveiled/29657/

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