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Search results

  1. k5blazer72

    heavy weight light springs theory ???

    I have an SSI blue 145/225 secondary spring in my wife's 600 ProS and it works very good. Gas mileage is better, rpms are around 8250 max and it hit 104mph on the lake with my brothers 220lb ass on it! LOL When I get a day to test, I'm going to put that spring in my 800 and see how it pulls...
  2. k5blazer72


    Great video! What mods have you done to outrun the viper?
  3. k5blazer72

    Setup For My First Sled - 16' 800 Rush LTD

    This is a very good point. It is possible that your Gates belts were too short as their quality control for length/width has not been the best. Black Mamba, did you measure the "cord length" of any of the belts before you installed them?
  4. k5blazer72

    Dalton QAP's setup question

    I leave mine with about 2-3 threads showing and that's about it. I figure any weight that sicks out past the pivot pin is not adding any pinch and may be taking some away. Any weight added inward of the pin is good though!
  5. k5blazer72

    some go fast trail set up's for stock 800 ho's

    I was thinking the same thing. Heavier weights will make it engage earlier but not that drastic of a change. Sounds like a broken primary spring to engage that low (2400)...
  6. k5blazer72

    Idler wheel replacement?

    I understand the outer idlers can go 2" bigger. The questions are about smaller inner idler wheels. I guess you (Brock) used all big wheels tho?
  7. k5blazer72

    Idler wheel replacement?

    Yes it seems like most of them are designed to use small inner wheels to leave room for the rear scissor arm or shock (not that we need space there...). I think some of the other offset axles will let you run 8 or 9" wheels all the way across. I'm thinking this would be better as the track...
  8. k5blazer72

    Setup For My First Sled - 16' 800 Rush LTD

    Also, what is your engagement rpm and what are the rpms doing throughout the shift? You can use the clutching screen to record speed, rpm and throttle position if you have an IDD. It's nice because you don't have to worry about watching your gauge while you've got a sled to the bar across a...
  9. k5blazer72

    Idler wheel replacement?

    I was just searching for that Cat part number yesterday. I found that Royal Distributing sells a plain black 7.87" Skidoo wheel for $29 with a 6004 bearing. Top of this page: http://www.royaldistributing.com/Catalogues/Main/2017-Fall-Winter/#174/z I was wondering if the offset axle from Royal...
  10. k5blazer72


    Thanks for the info. Who sells the kits?
  11. k5blazer72

    kelin carbs

    It is VERY common for the float pin holes to wear out over time on the Keihn carbs. If the holes aren't ovaled out too badly, you can try using float pins from 2000 RMK 700 (Polaris PN 3050277) which are knurled to stay in place better and take up some of the slack. Or if the holes are worn...
  12. k5blazer72


    Did you add a "big wheel" kit with an offset axle? Or did you add "extra" bogey wheels on the inside/outside of the rails? What's the relocation part of the kit? Thanks.
  13. k5blazer72


    Dupont slides from Yamaha to fit Polaris rails = SMA-DPSSR-PL-00.
  14. k5blazer72

    Getting started

    I'm still looking for some 1/4" set screws but in the meantime I made up a 3/8" super slug that has 1/8" stick out. It ends up being 1/2" long weighs about 2.9 g compared to a stock 3/8 slug which weighs about 1.3g. It bottoms out nicely in the tip and ends up being flush with the end of the...
  15. k5blazer72

    Sway Bar?

    Pro S or Pro X? Do you ride on trail or off trail? Have you ridden the sled yet with the sway bar on it???
  16. k5blazer72

    2016 Pro S track replacment

    I think the Superlite Pro backers make a big difference as far as traction on hardpack and washing out in the corners. I haven't lost any 1500 miles or so, they're holding up good.
  17. k5blazer72

    2016 Pro S track replacment

    Did you have studs in your 1.25 Rip? I like to run studs for better braking and control in the corners with the icy conditions we have pretty often in Southern Ontario. I have 144 studs down the middle of my track with the Studboy Superlite Pro backers and this thing is ALWAYS planted. It...
  18. k5blazer72

    2015 Axys Pro X 800 H.O. DET mode issue

    Just to be clear, have you verified proper fuel pressure at WOT when the DET comes in? A plugged fuel sock would cause this issue, have you pulled the fuel sender out and changed the sock? How many miles on the sled? Also, is the DET happening on the MAG or PTO cylinder or both? Same all the...
  19. k5blazer72

    ABS on display screen + engine light

    It is possible that it is not saying "ABS" but possibly "A65". Check with your dealer maybe? See here: http://www.snowest.com/forum/showthread.php?t=373692
  20. k5blazer72

    Getting started

    I haven't had any shop time recently (4yr and 6yr old at home and a wife that works 12hr shift work...) but I'll try and get back in there this weekend and see what else I can come up with. My only worry is about keeping the slug in the screw. I think I will "stake" them in with a center punch...

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