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kelin carbs


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
has any one tried to adjust float setting on older carbs ( ihave 1998 Polaris 700) looks like pin that float piviots on and the hole in main body of carb are .040 difference. what I am saying is hole was drilled way to big. I think kelim hide this mistack and tried to fix it by by putting brass insert in float body to take up some of the clearance. if I am wrong let me know. I have never seen where the pin and carb main body has had that clearence . ( pin .096 and hole .146) it should be a snug fit between the two ( ichecked another set of carbs from same year and had same problem. one last thing the holes in carb body are round and show no wear. I do not think they are wear out.
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It is VERY common for the float pin holes to wear out over time on the Keihn carbs. If the holes aren't ovaled out too badly, you can try using float pins from 2000 RMK 700 (Polaris PN 3050277) which are knurled to stay in place better and take up some of the slack. Or if the holes are worn badly you may have to JB Weld (2 part epoxy) the holes shut and drill them out to the correct diameter for the float pins. This is what I had to do on my '98 XC700 and it worked well.
It is VERY common for the float pin holes to wear out over time on the Keihn carbs. If the holes aren't ovaled out too badly, you can try using float pins from 2000 RMK 700 (Polaris PN 3050277) which are knurled to stay in place better and take up some of the slack. Or if the holes are worn badly you may have to JB Weld (2 part epoxy) the holes shut and drill them out to the correct diameter for the float pins. This is what I had to do on my '98 XC700 and it worked well.
thanks for info. I am working on solution right now. will let everyone know if works .
hunterjo. what I did was use inserts from 2 old floats. I cut them to fit worn holes. I had to drill holes out to match ID of the brass inserts then pressed them in. sees to work if not I will know in a week when I go to upper mi. for a week
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