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Search results

  1. Chiefcheese

    Engine/Clutch Alignment.

    Could be. The MAG side are pretty soft. Get the updated PTO side mounts and install them on both sides.
  2. Chiefcheese

    2015 axys 800 Low rpm /TPS/Exhaust valve second stage

    Dis you find anything that resolved your issues?
  3. Chiefcheese

    Best top speed but only 8050 rpm

    Jaws does not need tuning but does demand RPM and heat. Maybe clutch to pull a consistent 8450, and wrap the pipe to maintain heat. I think they perform nicely.
  4. Chiefcheese

    SLP Magnum weights?

    Saw the new series Bikeman adjustables last night. They are pretty much 10 series profile. But then again most of the good ones are.
  5. Chiefcheese

    2018 BMP Pipe for 2015-2018 Axys 800 HO motors.

    Fastsledder has a couple I believe. Working well and the trail can passes a Michigan DNR sound test site.
  6. Chiefcheese

    Exhaust code

    Ended up as the relay that is for the valve actuator circuit failed....actually had low voltage for a while which gave the dealer fits until it finally gave up the ghost. I am going to stock up on relays and capacitors. I think the factory got a little cheap on the parts.
  7. Chiefcheese


    Thanks for your efforts!
  8. Chiefcheese

    Polaris Titan Adventure

    Did you purchase for the ride or as a workhorse? If I was looking at a 2 up I would seriously consider it.
  9. Chiefcheese

    Rear Shock Spring Tool and FTS Spring Tool

    Yeah I have the sport bag and that frame leaves no room to adjust on a Rush. Not sure this would work but it's a cheap investment to try!
  10. Chiefcheese

    Exhaust code

    I have a appointment at my dealer to check on digital wrench. Will update when I know more.
  11. Chiefcheese

    Exhaust code

    I have read about this. Can you just replace and be fine or ?
  12. Chiefcheese

    Exhaust code

    Got more too. May need to seek Digital Wrench.
  13. Chiefcheese

    Exhaust code

    Anyone get one of these codes? I checked for corrosion and any open wires but didn't find anything conclusive. Capacitor change perhaps? Pulls barely 7800 so the valves are not opening. Had the valves out and they move freely.
  14. Chiefcheese

    Real World Test Results

    I like the secondary setup. I have a switch now with the 50-44 and stock spring and it reacts well. I think your gonna be wanting to go with a 120-310 spring and perhaps a gram or two lighter on weights depending on how it holds RPM. I wouldn't put a stock gold spring in my lawn mower. (If...
  15. Chiefcheese

    2009 Dragon 800 sp

    May want to have a look at the intake boots on there as well.
  16. Chiefcheese

    What oil to run?

    If you have confidence in it why not run it? You will get a bunch of opinions and claims here. I say as long as it's getting it and it meets the manufacturers spec you should be good to go.
  17. Chiefcheese

    heavy weight light springs theory ???

    I look at some of these stage kits and have to wonder sometimes at the super heavy weights they recommend. There's so much more to consider in regards to the other components - rider weight, studs, secondary, track length/angle that most of us have to work out a bunch of stuff - then test the...
  18. Chiefcheese

    SLP Magnum weights?

    Fastsledder has. Said he liked them.
  19. Chiefcheese

    More Air Flow

    I don't think there's any issue with maps. Increased airflow is a win win.
  20. Chiefcheese

    More Air Flow

    Good easy install. Works well to enhance airflow.

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