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Search results

  1. Bontz

    Installing tunnel protectors Matryx

    FWIW ... video of exactly what Doug & Lid are referring to:
  2. Bontz

    Shim your skis!

    We shimmed my buddy's new VR1 this morning, with the Bergstrom shims. I don't know what changed, but holy crap ... we were able to get the skis on and the bolt through without a ton of effort. And if anyone has installed these in the past, you know what I mean - there used to be some serious...
  3. Bontz

    Pictures - let's see your new Matryx!

    One of my riding buddies is getting his sled today (well, WE are getting it .... I'm going with him). New VR1 850 with 137" Storm track, heated seat, and eventually 144 Icemaster Screw-in style track studs. Pictures to follow!
  4. Bontz

    Pictures - let's see your new Matryx!

    I was hoping to put this in the main forum for Matryx, and not necessarily in the Indy subforum ... maybe TJ or Mr.S can move it. Let's see your pics! VR1 by Bontz posted Dec 11, 2020 at 7:36 AM 7s by Bontz posted Dec 11, 2020 at 7:37 AM
  5. Bontz

    Shim your skis!

    Hey all ... so it's been a long time since I've posted here (sorry). I have a new VR1 at home (it's the 850 with the 137" track). I spent some time tinkering around with my sled a couple weekends ago, and noticed the front skis were the worse I've ever seen them from the factory ... from a...

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