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Search results

  1. Mike-DRH


    I was able to talk to a service manager for a Polaris dealer today, he asked that I not name him or his dealer. Dealers have received a small amount of kits for machines they have in stock and/or rental fleets. Most dealers will see kits sometime in December for the machines they sold. The hoses...
  2. Mike-DRH

    belt removal tool

    It is 1/4" course thread. You can buy a longer bolt, heat and bend a 90 in it so it looks like the one you lost. It is important to grind the first 1/4" of threads off the end that bottoms out inside the clutch. If you don't grind the threads off the end it will mushroom out and ruin the...
  3. Mike-DRH


    The word (from a dealer) today is "dealers will have parts sometime in December". So I called Polaris customer service to see if they have any answers, customer service says "we are, and have been, shipping parts to all the dealers for the past 2 weeks". Maybe uninformed dealer? Anybody else...
  4. Mike-DRH


    Talked to Power Lodge today, they say they will have parts in hand by the end of October and start installing immediately thereafter. They are taking names for a waiting list, first come first serv. Hope they have better information the first dealer I talked to.
  5. Mike-DRH


    I just talked to the dealer that I purchased my machine from and (they claim) Polaris told them not to expect parts for the "fix" until sometime in December.
  6. Mike-DRH


    Something to think about. I've seen anywhere from 200,000-400,000 machines will need this fix. So even on the low end of 1 hour and 200,000 machines you will need 200,000 man hours to complete this recall. Not even the entire Polaris dealer network has that kind of manpower available. Are you...
  7. Mike-DRH


    Anybody else get theirs yet? Polaris Industries Inc. is issuing a Stop Ride notice to owners of Model Year 2021-2023 MATRYX, 2015-2022 AXYS and select Model Year 2013-2014 Trail Performance (Pro-Ride) snowmobiles. Our records indicate that you are the owner of a Polaris Snowmobile affected...
  8. Mike-DRH

    Pidd gauge not showing fuel level

    It does not show fuel level no matter what screen you are on? If so, it has to be the sender in the tank or a wiring issue. Get a service manual, it will walk you thru testing the sender.
  9. Mike-DRH

    05 Classic 500 charging problem

    That machine has a 3 pole generating coil for accessories that does not have enough watts to run even the headlight (at full brightness) at idle, and 2 completely separate coils for ignition, 1 for trigger and 1 for charge. If the information you're getting says 13.5 volts at idle, plain &...
  10. Mike-DRH

    05 Classic 500 charging problem

    That machine came with a combination regulator/rectifier. The regulator part is pretty simple, it grounds off any excess voltage. Excess can be anything above 12.5 volts. The rectifier part converts the AC voltage generated by the stator to DC voltage in order to charge the battery. All...
  11. Mike-DRH

    2010 Widetrak IQ 600 2 stroke

    BPR9ES NGK Part# 3022082 Polaris Part#
  12. Mike-DRH

    RUSH or IQ?

    Both are good machines with a comparable ride. Take into consideration that the IQ 2010-2012 is towards the end of that model so they have worked out many of the "bugs". The 2011-2013 Rush is a little early in production. Polaris has made many changes after those years particularly the rear...
  13. Mike-DRH

    1994 Indy 440 Cylinder Block Bolts Loosened Up

    Don't get to too wrapped up in a compression test. I don't know anyone out there that has ever had their compression gauge calibrated. About all they are good for is if you're using the gauge for comparative reasons (from one cylinder to another) or if it's extremely low. I took two brand new...
  14. Mike-DRH

    1994 Indy 440 Cylinder Block Bolts Loosened Up

    Put a new base gasket in it and torque it to spec, if torqued right they won't loosen up so they were never tight to start with.
  15. Mike-DRH

    Seeking advise on 1999 Indy 500

    Pull the fuel lines going to the carbs, spin the engine, check for fuel. If no fuel, put a vacuum gauge on the impulse nipple on the engine case and check for impulse signal. If all is good could be water or something is plugged up.
  16. Mike-DRH

    PID Gauges went white. HELP!

    Same thing happened to mine, brought it to the dealer (under warranty) they said they re-flashed it and it was fine. Everything worked except the odometer and trip meters weren't registering any miles. Brought it back and they put a whole new PIDD in, so far so good.
  17. Mike-DRH

    Ride Command

    Is anyone familiar with the "Snap to Trail" feature on the Ride Command? The snap to trail worked for me up until a couple days ago. Now it says something about the Hamsters are tired and the snap to trail function is not working.
  18. Mike-DRH

    Rear Skid Boggie Wheel Bearings

    If you talk to the bearing people the amount of grease they put in each bearing will allow for maximum efficiency. -They say, more grease will cause "rolling resistance". Snowmobiles are one big pile of "rolling resistance" so a little more grease will make zero difference. -They say, more...
  19. Mike-DRH

    WOT start when warm

    Your right on, I was thinking later models. You can still test the needle & seat the same way. Or maybe a leaking primer? Pinch the line or try a Mighty Vac.
  20. Mike-DRH

    WOT start when warm

    This is the pump we use in our shop, bubble fluid can be a simple soap and water mix in a spray bottle.

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