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Search results

  1. racerdave

    Best clutch kit

    120-310 spring 10-68 weights, 48-44fp helix 3 delrin washers. 1 under cup 1 in cup 1 in roller assembly oem sec spring
  2. racerdave

    Help with performance mods I have done so far please

    I would only change the helix from what you have listed as your setup. Go back to the stock helix if you have it, or a 48-44 fp or 46-42fp.
  3. racerdave

    Clutch and gearing specs

    68 weights primary spring and gearing at same time
  4. racerdave

    PC5 came today

    Yes you can use the map switch. You have the adjusted map from DTR or ? on position 1, on position 2 you can leave all 0 percentages at all rpm ranges , this will be the oem map. You can then flip between the 2 and see what is different in run quality. It doesn't matter which map you put in...
  5. racerdave

    PIDD clutching screen

    They can't be saved.
  6. racerdave

    08 iq cruiser 750 turbo 4 stroke

    I'd start with a fresh new oem battery
  7. racerdave

    PC5 came today

    If you buy from DTR he will give you his maps.
  8. racerdave

    Polaris Colt SS 340

    Try here: https://www.vintagesleds.com/classifieds/
  9. racerdave

    2000 XC 500 non-VES clutching

    58 gram weights, not sure if Polaris made those? Other wise lightened up 10-60's. That I could help you with.
  10. racerdave

    2003 xc 340 driven clutch

    Too adjust the width on that clutch you add or subtract the shim washers number 8 and 9 in your pic. The clutch has to be removed from the sled and taken apart. It is under spring pressure so you can't just remove the snap ring. It will fly apart. It can hurt you. You have to hold pressure on...
  11. racerdave

    Polaris P2 secondary on a Indy 600?

    Gabes, did you ever run into the snap ring not seating well like I mentioned my fix for above? I heard it was not unusual years ago,
  12. racerdave


    Try this for the PIDD: https://prdvehiclepubsdata001.blob.core.windows.net/public/OwnerManuals/SNO/9928803r01_web.pdf For the sled are you asking about a owners manual or service manual? The Adventure is really just a Switchback with the rear rack/side bags, and higher windshield. For a...
  13. racerdave


    The orings that are about 1.5 inchs in diameter go around the raised portion of the head the spark plug screws into, They seal to the head cover, to keep coolant from spraying out from that area.,
  14. racerdave

    Post your XC pics

    I like the black and white. Not so much the one gold panel on the seat. Is that the mid mountain windshield?
  15. racerdave

    Primary P85 Bushings

    Yes it should move with little effort. Did you replace the bushings?
  16. racerdave


    Sounds like the norm
  17. racerdave

    Assault running boards on a Pro S

    On another site a poster claims there is a close of kit for these type of boards. I asked him for a link. Tin under would work, but I'd like something from the top, custom cut for around the raised footgrip's.
  18. racerdave

    what sled do i have

    86 or newer tunnel because it is tapered. Bumpers prove nothing as they could be retrofited all the way back to the 1979 Indy. The hood side metal strip was used since the early 80's. Hood nose cone, seat as Lid says. Take a pic of engine and around inside engine compartment, including...
  19. racerdave

    chaincase gears

    I have the 19-35 gears and 64 chain good used if you cant fine them easily. Also 20 and 21 top gears, Other bottom gears and chains.

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