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  1. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    I had got my pipe mod ceramic coated. Idk if it made a difference because I pulled the T stat out to run cooler anyways
  2. proS800

    ?? Summerizing your AXYS 800 with eloctronic oil pump ??

    I'd like to know more on that. Last year I just put polaris fogging oil down the cylinders and turned it over a couple times by hand.
  3. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

  4. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    bikeman fat azz pipe on my switchback and the SSI pipe mod on my rush.
  5. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    I didn't have good luck with the ssi pipe mod on my rush 800. Threw det codes. I have the bikeman pipe on my switchback 800 and I have never thrown a det code on that sled. 700 miles with no tunner also and 400 miles with powercomander v
  6. proS800

    Un tucked my ssi pro mag weights

    Ok I'm gonna take mine out and see if it has a mark and let you know
  7. proS800

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Nice. Can't wait to see if there's a difference in power between bikemans tune with the bully dog and the powercomander. Everytime I go there they try to get me to buy one. It does look like it has more features exp for warmer temps outside. I love dyno days lol.
  8. proS800

    Bikeman stage 3 was happy until???

    speedwerx stage 3 800 RR and others
  9. proS800

    Bikeman stage 3 was happy until???

    They are all on the axys Facebook group page. Not sure how to put them on here everytime it says file is to big
  10. proS800

    Un tucked my ssi pro mag weights

    How did you exactly untuck them? I wanna do that to mine
  11. proS800

    Bikeman stage 3 was happy until???

    In the cup under the spring
  12. proS800

    New guy

    Only way polaris would find out is if your actual ecu was bad and had to send it in otherwise they wouldn't know if you modded your sled. I'd your dealer is cool they will let you throw whatever mods on. Just turn it back to stock so thru can take pictures for warranty claim
  13. proS800

    New guy

    Bikeman told me the bully dog won't void a a warranty either. They said they had dealers call them and they said they couldn't see that the ecu was reflashed for the bully dog then put back to stock
  14. proS800

    Bikeman stage 3 was happy until???

    I place my washer like derlin recommend. They say adding more then 1 can actually ca use binding from what I read. And my 1.74 gear sled pulls away from my sled 1.61 gear sled on the top end. The full shift out works.
  15. proS800

    Bikeman stage 3 was happy until???

    Mine revs to 8,400 rpms with my setup. And I have 2 pro s 800 sleds. One is completely stock that my girlfriend rides so yes I do have proof gear changing does work. I test everything I do to my sled against the stock sled to see the improvements . And I do have 144 studs on my sled and the...
  16. proS800

    Bikeman stage 3 was happy until???

    Ok alot of questions to answer lol First I took the t stat out of my stock 800 rush axys before the weenie roast and that sled ran 100-106 in the trails all day. Felt alot more peppy. Same with my ssi head with no t stat in. 104-108 all day. I have a 66-44-46 helix as well but the 50/44 just...
  17. proS800

    New Member Looking For Help

    It's not the same design and yes the stinger is 7 inches. Ssi is like 11 inches or something . But the bikeman pipe is alot fatter then the pipe mod to. Yes both my sleds are 2015s
  18. proS800

    New Member Looking For Help

    I've done both. Stock muffler and slp can and both throw a code with ssi pipe and neither one throws codes with bikeman pipe
  19. proS800

    New Member Looking For Help

    I don't like the ssi pipe mod. Throws det codes on my rush. My switchback with the bikeman pipe has never thrown a det code even without the tunner on it. Just my opinion. I'm putting another bikeman pipe on my rush now

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