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2016 assault 144 won't keep running


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
Switchback assault 800
2016 polaris switchback assault 800 was running perfectly. Went out in the morning. Started sled to warm up a few hours later to return home. Quit while warming up- about a minute or so. Restarted right away- ran for about 15 seconds. Waited about 5 minutes, restated and took off hoping it would run at higher power settings. Ran great for 45 seconds. Did the same thing 4 times. So made it about a mile or so before upon restarting it would only go a few feet before quitting. Towed out from there. 3 hours later, started long enough to load on the truck then quit.Changed fuel filter. Same thing. Starts, runs 20 seconds then quits.Brought to the dealer. Said they flashed ecm, checked compression, fuel pump, did scan - no codes. Found fuel in exhaust. Can't figure it out.Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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I would look at it being a fuel problem first, and possibly a spark problem. Check the stator on the sled.

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