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2016 Pro S track replacment


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2016 Polaris Switchback Pro S 800
Bought a new 2016 Pro S 800 last year and only put 300 miles on it but is was enough to know that i don't like the 1.25 ripsaw track that came on the sled. The sled feels loose all the time and can be scary in the curves under certain conditions and throw you sideways. A friend that I ride with has a Pro R with a Cobra 1.352 track and it is a totally different sled to ride, It feels planted not loose. He blows me away in a drag race. I primarily trail ride with just a little off trail riding. I was considering a 1.50 ripsaw or Cobra 1.352 track. Looking for suggestions from people who have changed tracks on there Pro S. THANKS
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Did you have studs in your 1.25 Rip? I like to run studs for better braking and control in the corners with the icy conditions we have pretty often in Southern Ontario. I have 144 studs down the middle of my track with the Studboy Superlite Pro backers and this thing is ALWAYS planted. It hooks up hard in the snow and the ass end never washes out, EVER. It's almost too planted in the corner and would be more "fun" if I could kick the ass end sideways sometimes. Anyways, it's just a thought as an alternative to changing tracks. I'm happy with the 1.25 Rip II with studs and backers. Check them out here:

Definitely Cobra. The Cobra gets on top of loose snow better than the Ripsaw. Also when you lock up the track with the Cobra your sled tracks straight and the back end isn't all over the place.
Ran the rip saw last year with 144 studs no issues worked great fast trail riding .
Will have the cobra to try on the assault for a comparison .
Will be 1 st time trying a cobra track.
It'll probably be too late by the time I get some time on it but I'll be running a 1.5" rip this winter on my SB. Hard to say as it's a new track for this season but I imagine it just does "more" of what the 1.25 version does
Thanks for the replies,I am going to go ahead and install 144 Top gun 2, 1.375 studs with Stud Boy Power Backers and see how I like it. I already had 82 Top Gun 1.375 studs and backers so I need to use them up anyway. I have studded more tracks then I care to remember so one more is no big deal......
I think the Superlite Pro backers make a big difference as far as traction on hardpack and washing out in the corners. I haven't lost any 1500 miles or so, they're holding up good.

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