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2016 Rush PRO S 600 (Falls Flat, Need Help)


Plymouth, Mi
Years Snowmobiling
2021 Indy VR1 850
2016 Rush Pro S 600
2015 Rush PRO S 600 with 6,000 miles. While riding this weekend it would just fall flat and stall out, "as if I hit the kill switch by accident". Once it comes to a stop I turn the key off, then on and it starts. Temp is normal an no codes thrown. Rides like normal and then 20 minutes later same issue.

This happened about 5 times over the course of a full day of riding. Need some help on potential cause. Wondering if TPS is going bad??
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Fuel delivery problem? Have you changed out the tank sock?
No never changed the tank sock. Did have the recall performed and no issues on prior rides.

Seems pretty random if fuel delivery issue. I'd think that might be more of a consistent issue.
You might have to have the dealer plug it in to DigitalWrench ( or get CanDoopro) and see if there's any codes. The display only shows active codes and forgets them once powered down, or in your case the engine stalling. The ECM could still have history codes.
Only other thing you could do is download the service manual and start checking the resistance at all the stator and regulator connections for a failing connection. The manual has all the ohm values.
I still wouldn't rule out the fuel sock with 6k miles on it
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Update... dealer ran digital wrench and determined the ignition coil driver in the ECU was bad. Unable to reflash, more of a hardware issue on the board. This means I have to purchase a new ECU. $800 ouch. Such a bummer

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