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2017 800 assault 3/4 to full throttle

assault 800

ok here is what my assault is doing. run,s 82/8300 rpm,s at 3/4 throttle when i go to full throttle it get,s louder an sound like ur running without a air box. and losing 200 rpm,s this is going 50/60 miles hr on good hard pack, not much track spin.15 sheave to belt.off set is good, new belt(80 miles washed an scrubed. new gold spring. clutch cleaned. 450 miles 22 hr,s dont think it is in the clutching. been clutching since the 650 day,s. old timer here. but like to beat my buddy,s any help would be great
Let us know your current set up??

All your clutching and gearing?

Model and year?

Track lug?


We need to know a little more to try and help
Brock it,s all stock 2017 800 assault 144 cobra 1.3 clutching primary 10/66 weights, gold spring,blue/black secondary 120/200 stock gearing 23/40 low elevation wis. everyone,s help would be appreciated great site thx
Change the PV relay. Power valves are not opening all the way.
Yes, good point lenn.
Been saying to check wiring resistances in these Axys since they came out.
Polaris,Doo,cat, and Yamaha use the cheapest components as possible to make it work. So wiring could be faulty, corroded ,broke, bad, etc..
Of course you should check your TPS setting too. The flow increase from 3/4 to full opening on a butterfly valve is not very much but if your TPS is set on the high side, the extra TPS voltage could be making it run fat (rich) at WFO in which case you might lose a few rpm...

now the last few times starting it. doesnt want to start an when it does i have to hold the throttle to keep it running till it gets warmed up its at the dealer now an thy say the tps is within specs dont seem like them dealer know much about. it really pissin me off
"Within spec" on Digital Wrench doesn't mean it's good. Find another dealer to adjust it correctly or you can do it yourself if you're a mechanical type. There's a few good writeups floating around on how to do it.
im wondering if it could be the power valve relay for the ex. valves an im trying to look the part # up i think it,s part # 4011998 ya im not into that elect. stuff old timer here. put like to do clutching
so does anyone know how to get ahold of a tech guy at polaris so i can give them a piece of my mind. took my sled in 4 days ago no one knows whats wrong with it. no codes coming up on digital wrench. so polaris an dealer say thy have no clue whats wrong. un frickin real
I've been following Lenna thread on HCS, sounds like his turned out to be the relay for the lack of power and rpm.

I also have a '17, but not many miles yet.
But it has started hard a couple times.
4 pulls instead of the usual 2.

My '12 pro r always started with 2 pulls also.

The dealer's rely too much on the digital wrench.

Not too hard to manually check the TPS,
Which sounds like what might be your issue.

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