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91 non mode?


Hey guys, going to break in my pro s 800 on Friday and was wondering if I can run the sled in non ethanol mode. I will always be using 91 or 93 ethanol fuel but I have been told that it is totally safe and will give more power to just leave it in 91 non mode. Is this true?

ethanol mode has more fuel and less timing but with the sled still in break in mode which adds fuel anyway I think you will be fine to run in 91 non mode.
Thank you! If anyone has more experience on this your opinion would be greatly appreciated
Yep,like said above.
Run in non ethanol mode when using 91 octane.

I always run in non ethanol mode. If it goes into det somehow. Shut off to reset. Put in ethanol mode to be safe.

Something made it go into det mode(bad gas,moisture in gas,to much ethanol in fuel,etc.....)

Hope this helps.
Hey guys, going to break in my pro s 800 on Friday and was wondering if I can run the sled in non ethanol mode. I will always be using 91 or 93 ethanol fuel but I have been told that it is totally safe and will give more power to just leave it in 91 non mode. Is this true?

I run the Axys 600 and leave them in eth till after first tank or so and then switch to 91 and ride it like you stole it!! Nice sled.
As stated above, there is a performance difference between 91 octane and ethanol setting. I will be running the 91 octane setting during break in and thereafter unless I have to put gas in the tank that is lower than 91 octane.
Yep,like said above.
Run in non ethanol mode when using 91 octane.

I always run in non ethanol mode. If it goes into det somehow. Shut off to reset. Put in ethanol mode to be safe.

Something made it go into det mode(bad gas,moisture in gas,to much ethanol in fuel,etc.....)

Hope this helps.
Brock is there any additive out there that is any good to help with the sometimes not so good gas? I know theres a lot of products out there just curious if you know of one that actually works.
I found it doc, I thought you where talking about gasoline, lol. I also see torco and klotz has one too, thx
That would make sense. I believe I read somewhere that the 2016's were 3-4% leaner than the 2015's. So my 2015 in the non-ethanol mode is where the 2016's are coming standard in ethanol mode.
As doc said, little bottles of race gas,lol

I've been using klotz octane boost since 2002 with good results. It does work for those bad gas moments and you det. I carry the small bottle on daily rides and add .
Put 100 miles on! The sled is a rocket ship, handles awesome and rides amazing. Had it in 91 non and it went into det once when it lessens the fuel amount after 2 hours, so I just stopped and shut it off and put it in ethanol mode. Can't believe the power difference from the beginning to now 100 miles. The fuel I had in there was 2 months old so it wasn't super fresh. I can't wait to do clutching and the pipe mod with pcv
Almost forgot, before I made the trip to maine I scuffed up my clutches with scotch brite pad, cleaned with acetone, and washed the belt a few times with dawn soap. I also aligned my clutches to give about .220 float and the clutches stayed extremely cool. Thanks to you guys for all the great advice!
Here in Nova Scotia there is no ethanol in the fuel blends here. Wilsons fuel might have some in the 87 octane. On my 2013 Pro R 600 I ran it in non ethanol all the time regards if there was 87 or 91 octane in the tank. Never saw a det light for the 3 years I owned the machine. With my new 2016 Pro X 800 I have run it using 91 and 87 octane. Even running it in ethanol mode with 87 the sled rips on the rail bed. Still have not seen a det light yet

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