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94 indy 500 efi charging help


New Member
Deforest, Wi
Years Snowmobiling
1994 indy 500 efi
Im not sure my battery is being charged. At idle i only see battery voltage. When i run it around 6 to 7K rpm im seeing about 12.4 to 12.6v but that seams really low to me. I did the alternator test and had good ac voltage there. When i did the charge coil test i get 1.1 ohms on the gry to gry/wht wires and .8 ohms on the brown/white to gray/white wires. I know these are higher than the specified range but i dont want to throw a stator at it if its not going to fix it. Thoughts?
The OHM reading you have for the charge coils is probably good. The specs are +/- 10% at room temp. We have tested them at as much as 40% off on a perfectly good running machine.

The wire from rectifier to the battery is the charging wire. Run the machine at about 4,000 RPM and test voltage output from rectifier. Should be about 13.5 to 14.5 DC Volts. Batteries that are not fully charged may show lower than 13.5 volts.

Never have seen a charge coil that is weak they either work or they don't but the reg/rec can.
well i foudnd a recitfier regulator at a local sled junk yard. replaced it and charged the battery. Took it for a spin and at the battery i can get 13.1v is this enough to keep it charged? Also I put a bigger battery in it than what it called for because i couldnt find the right battery. would that cause any problems?
Could I run an electric shield hooked up to the battery or is there a better way of hooking 1 up
Should run it off the lighting coil, any solid yellow wire.

If the wires (1 yellow and 1 brown) on the back of your tach are attached with screws you can put eyelets on your shield wires and put them on the same screws.

Yellow is hot, brown is ground.

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