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BMP? A ? for Joey

Haven't others been banned from this site for less?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Were did you come up with that theory?

Only one person was banned from this site and he was repeatedly warned 3 times but kept on going.

So your phrase "others"doesn't apply

Let's get back on topic Dave and flasch192Div20
For whatever it's worth I talked to Joey today at the Syracuse show I don't get into any detail just asked how the pipe performs he was forthcoming and said it has good top gains a lil dip in the middle without a controller .need controller (bully dog ) to gain all the potential out of the system. And went on to say the programming in the bullydog also addresses other glitches or shortcoming in the poo programming. And he went on to give examples. Was straight up about the details .not taking any sides just reporting my expierence today.
Hey Joey thought I'd revisit this thread. Lot of talk about pipes and controllers etc but on a different note I was searching around your web site and saw clutching in your kits etc. we've heard very little if not nothing at all about your clutching. Soooooo how well do you guys have it dialed in ? I know it's hard to have a one size fits most set up . How confident are you in the bmp Axys clutching ? Have you had enough time in field with them ?

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