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Bought 15 Switchback 800 trying to set up


New Member
NW Indiana
Years Snowmobiling
Since 78 onn and off
2015 Polaris Axys Switchback 800
2005 Polaris Fusion 900 50th 136"
And many others
Just bought a 2015 Switch 800 with 700 miles looks great & runs great but looks to have all the issues that they can have. (last sled was 05 Fusion 900 so I should be used to this! LOL/CRY )
Clutches have black marks all over, relays were corroded up (cleaned & got new ones).
Haven't found the problem that caused the wire to short yet. (pic)

Trying to get set up right the first time out, unlike Fusion that took many years to fix all the problems.
I am assembling parts right now.
I have a Composit Talon 38 1.5" track that will be studded with 1.625" studs to replace the stock one
I have 23 / 40 gears for a 1.74 ratio (if I need different I'll change)
Using the Gates belt.
Clutch alignment is spot on, removed 1 shim behind secondary

Michigan 70% trail and 30% off. (fields, ditchbanging etc. not much deep through the trees riding, only 1 other friend will follow me lol)
about 235 lbs with gear
High top end isn't super important 100+ is good (Fusion would hit about 103
but got there quick)
Looking for advice on setup for clutching and anything else that would make my season stress free & fun.

Yikes, that sled must have been towed on an open trailer. There is lots of salt corrosion evident.
I had the 900 Fusion too! Luckily, I didn't have a single issue with mine in over 5000 miles. The SB 800 are definitely a faster sled
Sled definitely saw open trailer. I've seen another that has never been towed in the open that has relays as bad as these.
Rest of sled is absolutely MINT.
Nytroziula: I never had big issues that most Fusion owners claimed they had (I think 80% were just whiners) mine was awesome except for the vibration and hard steering effort. (new skis, correct toe out, 2008+ spindles & ROX iso vibes fixed those problems) but they should have had much better setup out the door from Polaris, and dealers that were trained.
I know we are in the same dealer situation with these sleds (where we have to figure it all out)
IMG_1807b 900tall.jpg
that sled didn't vibrate anymore than these 800's do
thats a lot cleaner than the relay and clutch make it look
2017 800 assault wrapping stock pipe going to wrap stock pipe from the y pipe to the stock heat shield should bring up pipe heat hot pipe cold motor what do u guys think
You may want to start a new thread with this question.
Guys will respond better with the subject in the title.
Looks like you need to go over all wiring and inspect

Clean clean clean

Take apart clutches and inspect

Check bearings


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