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Clutching a Stage 3 800HO


I have a 2015 Axys 800 S/B 'X'. Adding a Bikeman Stage 3 kit, Durability Kit, heads, pipe, can, and Bully Dog GT. Also, a Bikeman Y-Pipe that will soon be available.
I have changed the gearing to 1.74. Keeping the 1 3/4 track.
Have been following this blog with your clutching recommendations for a stocker.
Looking for clutching input, starting points on a (hopefully) 170hp sled.
Ideas ?
Yes , clutching does come with the kit if you chose.
I prefer different adjustable weights than what came with the kit.
Long term Cat rider, first time Polaris owner. Have always put my own clutch kits together, with advice from a couple of Cat clutch guru's. Nobody has any Team secondary experience that I ride with.
So, I was wondering if anyone had increased the HP on their Axys sleds, and what did they do with the clutching.
Did bikeman give you the hp / torque info on this kit were it makes power??

I'm guessing 8400 rpm.

What's your weight and elevation??
Yes,peak@ 8400 rpm, not falling off until after 8500.
I way 280lbs, aggressive trail riding.
Hard upshift, but still need a quick back shift to accelerate from the corners.
Like a 3800-4000rpm engagement.
First off, I would purchase a set of Dalton QAP 3 adjustable weights(66-73.5 grams)

You have the hp/torque.
I wouldn't go any taller in gearing then a 1.73 ratio for your lug of track and weight. I would use the 1.80 ratio myself.
Did you set your belt to sheave?? What belt are you using?
Using a Ultimax XS-801. Set the belt clearance to 0.015" average with this belt.
Wanted the taller 1.74 to gain some mph. Saw 95 mph max with the 1.86 ratio. Didn't fair well with the big Cats when we could line up and also when we hit the wide open in Ontario. It's all a compromise, trying to hit a balanced quickness with 100mph+ potential.
I'm not familiar with that belt compound??
The polaris stock axys belt is inconsistent compound.
The gates belt is better.


Get a set of Dalton qap3 adjustable weights as this will help to tune for different days.

The 1.73 ratio 22/38 with 68 pitch chain has less dog leg then the 1.74 ratio.
Ok. Actually have a couple different adjustable weights. The Dalton qap3's are one.
I have used the Ultimax belts on several sleds. A little softer than the stock Cat belts, but better longevity. Not alot of dusting.
Has seemed to help on engagement, less slip vs. Stock Polaris belt.
What combination do you think would be a decent starting point?
Ok. Actually have a couple different adjustable weights. The Dalton qap3's are one.
I have used the Ultimax belts on several sleds. A little softer than the stock Cat belts, but better longevity. Not alot of dusting.
Has seemed to help on engagement, less slip vs. Stock Polaris belt.
What combination do you think would be a decent starting point?

I would use as much weight in the heel and tip. Start off with 70+ grams and go from there.
Use a 140/300 slp primary spring.
Try a 48/44 full progressive helix with a 140/240 spring.
And I have to tell you Brock, thanks!
For all the tremendous effort, time and I an sure costs to figure out.
I found this forum and followed your updates.
It convinced me to not give up on this terrific chassis/suspension and . The stage 3 kit is part of that process.

So, once again, thanks for your time and effort!

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